Coursera Algorithms Programming Assignment 5: Kd-Trees (98分)
Brute-force implementation. 蛮力实现的方法比较简单,就是逐个遍历每个point进行比较,实现下述API就可以了,没有什么难度。
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Point2D;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.RectHV;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdDraw;
* @author evasean
public class PointSET {
private TreeSet<Point2D> points;
public PointSET() {
// construct an empty set of points
points = new TreeSet<Point2D>();
} public boolean isEmpty() {
// is the set empty?
return points.isEmpty();
} public int size() {
// number of points in the set
return points.size();
} public void insert(Point2D p) {
// add the point to the set (if it is not already in the set)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Point2D p is not illegal!");
} public boolean contains(Point2D p) {
// does the set contain point p?
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Point2D p is not illegal!");
return points.contains(p);
} public void draw() {
// draw all points to standard draw
for (Point2D p : points) {
} public Iterable<Point2D> range(RectHV rect) {
// all points that are inside the rectangle (or on the boundary)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("RectHV rect is not illegal!");
ArrayList<Point2D> list = new ArrayList<Point2D>();
for(Point2D point : points){
if(rect.contains(point)) list.add(point);
return list;
} public Point2D nearest(Point2D p) {
// a nearest neighbor in the set to point p; null if the set is empty
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Point2D p is not illegal!");
if(points.size() == 0) return null;
double neareatDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
Point2D nearest = null;
for(Point2D point : points){
double tmp = p.distanceTo(point);
if(, tmp) == 1){
neareatDistance = tmp;
nearest = point;
} }
return nearest;
} public static void main(String[] args) {
// unit testing of the methods (optional)
2d-tree implementation.
kd-tree插入时要交替以x坐标和y坐标作为判断依据,比如root节点处比较依据为x坐标,那么当要查找或插入一个新节点point时,比较root节点的x坐标和point的x坐标,如果后者比前者小,那么下一次要比较的就是root->left, 相反下一次要比较的就是root->right。进入下一层级之后,就要使用y坐标作为比较依据。示例如下图:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Point2D;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.RectHV;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdDraw;
* @author evasean
public class KdTree {
private Node root;
private class Node {
private Point2D p;
* 节点的value就是包含该节点的矩形空间 其左右子树的矩形空间,就是通过该节点进行水平切分或垂直切分的两个子空间
private RectHV rect;
private Node left, right;
private int size;
private boolean xCoordinate; // 标识该节点是否是以x坐标垂直切分 public Node(Point2D point, RectHV rect, int size, boolean xCoordinate) {
this.p = point;
this.rect = rect;
this.size = size;
this.xCoordinate = xCoordinate;
} public KdTree() {
// construct an empty set of points
} public boolean isEmpty() {
// is the set empty?
return size() == 0;
} public int size() {
// number of points in the set
return size(root);
} private int size(Node x) {
if (x == null)
return 0;
return x.size;
} public void insert(Point2D p) {
// add the point to the set (if it is not already in the set)
if (p == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Point2D p is not illegal!");
if (root == null)
root = new Node(p, new RectHV(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), 1, true);
insert(root, p);
// System.out.println("size="+root.size);
} private void insert(Node x, Point2D p) {
if (x.xCoordinate == true) { // x的切分标志是x坐标
int cmp =, x.p.x());
if (cmp == -1) {
if (x.left != null)
insert(x.left, p);
else {
RectHV parent = x.rect;
// 将节点x的矩形空间进行垂直切分后的左侧部分
double newXmin = parent.xmin();
double newYmin = parent.ymin();
double newXmax = x.p.x();
double newYmax = parent.ymax();
x.left = new Node(p, new RectHV(newXmin, newYmin, newXmax, newYmax), 1, false);
} else if (cmp == 1) {
if (x.right != null)
insert(x.right, p);
else {
RectHV parent = x.rect;
// 将节点x的矩形空间进行垂直切分后的右侧部分
double newXmin = x.p.x();
double newYmin = parent.ymin();
double newXmax = parent.xmax();
double newYmax = parent.ymax();
x.right = new Node(p, new RectHV(newXmin, newYmin, newXmax, newYmax), 1, false);
} else { // x.key.x() 与 p.x() 相等
int cmp2 =, x.p.y());
if (cmp2 == -1) {
if (x.left != null)
insert(x.left, p);
else {
x.left = new Node(p, x.rect, 1, false);
} else if (cmp2 == 1) {
if (x.right != null)
insert(x.right, p);
else {
x.right = new Node(p, x.rect, 1, false);
} else { // x的切分标志是y坐标
int cmp =, x.p.y());
if (cmp == -1) {
if (x.left != null)
insert(x.left, p);
else {
RectHV parent = x.rect;
// 将节点x的矩形空间进行垂直切分后的左侧部分
double newXmin = parent.xmin();
double newYmin = parent.ymin();
double newXmax = parent.xmax();
double newYmax = x.p.y();
x.left = new Node(p, new RectHV(newXmin, newYmin, newXmax, newYmax), 1, true);
} else if (cmp == 1) {
if (x.right != null)
insert(x.right, p);
else {
RectHV parent = x.rect;
// 将节点x的矩形空间进行垂直切分后的左侧部分
double newXmin = parent.xmin();
double newYmin = x.p.y();
double newXmax = parent.xmax();
double newYmax = parent.ymax();
x.right = new Node(p, new RectHV(newXmin, newYmin, newXmax, newYmax), 1, true);
} else { // x.key.y() 与 p.y()相等
int cmp2 =, x.p.x());
if (cmp2 == -1) {
if (x.left != null)
insert(x.left, p);
else {
x.left = new Node(p, x.rect, 1, true);
} else if (cmp2 == 1) {
if (x.right != null)
insert(x.right, p);
else {
x.right = new Node(p, x.rect, 1, true);
x.size = 1 + size(x.left) + size(x.right);
} public boolean contains(Point2D p) {
// does the set contain point p?
if (p == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Point2D p is not illegal!");
return contains(root, p);
} private boolean contains(Node x, Point2D p) {
if(x == null ) return false;
if (x.p.equals(p))
return true;
else {
if(x.xCoordinate == true){
int cmp =, x.p.x());
if(cmp == -1) return contains(x.left,p);
else if(cmp == 1 ) return contains(x.right,p);
int cmp2 =, x.p.y());
if(cmp2 == -1) return contains(x.left,p);
else if(cmp2 == 1 ) return contains(x.right,p);
else return true;
int cmp =, x.p.y());
if(cmp == -1) return contains(x.left,p);
else if(cmp == 1 ) return contains(x.right,p);
int cmp2 =, x.p.x());
if(cmp2 == -1) return contains(x.left,p);
else if(cmp2 == 1 ) return contains(x.right,p);
else return true;
} public void draw() {
// draw all points to standard draw
StdDraw.setXscale(0, 1);
StdDraw.setYscale(0, 1);
} private void draw(Node x) {
if (x == null)
if (x.xCoordinate == true) {
Point2D start = new Point2D(x.p.x(), x.rect.ymin());
Point2D end = new Point2D(x.p.x(), x.rect.ymax());
} else {
Point2D start = new Point2D(x.rect.xmin(), x.p.y());
Point2D end = new Point2D(x.rect.xmax(), x.p.y());
} public Iterable<Point2D> range(RectHV rect) {
// all points that are inside the rectangle (or on the boundary)
if (rect == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("RectHV rect is not illegal!");
if (root != null)
return range(root, rect);
return new ArrayList<Point2D>();
} private ArrayList<Point2D> range(Node x, RectHV rect) {
ArrayList<Point2D> points = new ArrayList<Point2D>();
if (x.rect.intersects(rect)) {
if (rect.contains(x.p))
if (x.left != null)
points.addAll(range(x.left, rect));
if (x.right != null)
points.addAll(range(x.right, rect));
return points;
} public Point2D nearest(Point2D p) {
// a nearest neighbor in the set to point p; null if the set is empty
if (p == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Point2D p is not illegal!");
if (root != null)
return nearest(root, p, root.p);
return null;
} /**
* 作业提交提示nearest的时间复杂度偏高,导致作业只有98分,我觉得这样写比较清晰明了,就懒得继续优化
* @param x
* @param p
* @param currNearPoint
* @return
private Point2D nearest(Node x, Point2D p, Point2D currNearPoint) {
if(x.p.equals(p)) return x.p;
double currMinDistance = currNearPoint.distanceTo(p);
if (, currMinDistance) >= 0)
return currNearPoint;
else {
double distance = x.p.distanceTo(p);
if (, currMinDistance) == -1) {
currNearPoint = x.p;
currMinDistance = distance;
if (x.left != null)
currNearPoint = nearest(x.left, p, currNearPoint);
if (x.right != null)
currNearPoint = nearest(x.right, p, currNearPoint);
return currNearPoint;
} public static void main(String[] args) {
// unit testing of the methods (optional)
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