RMA Sales Order – Stuck with “Awaiting Return Disposition”

Action : (Prod)

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Metalink – Solution :-

RMA Stuck With Awaiting Return Disposition; FRM-40212: Invalid value for field OE_ORDER_NUM (Doc ID 339794.1)



Applies to:

Oracle Order Management - Version: 11.5.9 to - Release: 11.5 to 11.5
Oracle Order Management - Version: 11.5.1 to [Release: 11.5 to 11.5]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 20-Dec-2010***


On 11.5.9 or 11.5.10, you find an RMA is stuck in Awaiting Return status and the flow code in HTMomse11i output is : AWAITING_RETURN_DISPOS

When try to Inspect the RMA item via:
Purchasing Responsibility
Receiving/Receiving Transactions
Click on Customer Tab
Enter the RMA number
Click Find

Receive error: FRM-40212: Invalid value for field OE_ORDER_NUM

Also, data corruption observed in case of RMA. User received the qty into inventory but RMA Line


Failed interfacing between Purchasing and Order Management Modules. The information related to receiving is not interfaced back to Order Management.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Apply Patch 5358811 - This patch contains generic data fix scripts for known issues in RMA Receiving.

This patch includes data-fix scripts to address known issues in RMA Receiving module.

These scripts will help customers to progress the stuck RMA Lines for
scenarios where user has already received the qty into inventory but RMA Line

It is highly recommended for customers to test these data-fix scripts for the
problematic Line Id in their TEST instance, that is a copy of Production.
Customers should apply these scripts in production, only after thorough
testing of these scripts in TEST instance.

ontd0015.sql :
Use this script to progress RMA Lines against which material has been received,
but the Lines are stuck in AWAITING_RETURN_DISPOSITION status.

ontd0018.sql :
Use this script to progress RMA Lines against which material has been received,
but the Lines are stuck in AWAITING_RETURN status.

Both these scripts can be used to list all the RMA Lines that are stuck. To
progress the stuck RMA Line, provide the LINE_ID as input to these scripts.

2. Once the scripts completes, the line status becomes Awaiting Return.
Enter a new receipt and progress order through invoicing to close.

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