
Balanced Number

Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65535/65535 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 6615    Accepted Submission(s): 3174

Problem Description
A balanced number is a non-negative integer that can be balanced if a pivot is placed at some digit. More specifically, imagine each digit as a box with weight indicated by the digit. When a pivot is placed at some digit of the number, the distance from a digit to the pivot is the offset between it and the pivot. Then the torques of left part and right part can be calculated. It is balanced if they are the same. A balanced number must be balanced with the pivot at some of its digits. For example, 4139 is a balanced number with pivot fixed at 3. The torqueses are 4*2 + 1*1 = 9 and 9*1 = 9, for left part and right part, respectively. It's your job
to calculate the number of balanced numbers in a given range [x, y].
The input contains multiple test cases. The first line is the total number of cases T (0 < T ≤ 30). For each case, there are two integers separated by a space in a line, x and y. (0 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ 1018).
For each case, print the number of balanced numbers in the range [x, y] in a line.
Sample Input
0 9
7604 24324
Sample Output
GAO, Yuan



2. dp[pos][pivot][num]:处理到pos位置,以pivot为平衡点,且左力矩比右力矩大num的情况下,有多少种情况。



答:虽然有num记录了当前位的“左力矩 - 右力矩”的大小,但是如果两种情况的pivot不同,那么在pos后面的位置,他们的值的变化是不一样的,即这两种情况不是等价的。只有在相同的位置pos下,他们的平衡点pivot相同,且“左力矩 - 右力矩”的大小且相同,后面位置的数字变化才是等价的。

2.dp[pos][leftnum][rightnum] 这样记录不行吗?



 #include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const double eps = 1e-;
const int INF = 2e9;
const LL LNF = 9e18;
const int MOD = 1e9+;
const int MAXN = 1e6+; int digit[];
LL dp[][][]; LL dfs(int pos, int pivot, int num, bool lim)
if(!pos) return (num==);
if(num<) return ;
if(!lim && dp[pos][pivot][num]!=-) return dp[pos][pivot][num]; LL ret = ;
int maxx = lim?digit[pos]:;
for(int i = ; i<=maxx; i++) //num+(pos-pivot)*i: 高位的加, 低位的减。这条式子很漂亮,刚好能满足力矩的计算
ret += dfs(pos-, pivot, num+(pos-pivot)*i, lim&&(i==maxx)); if(!lim) dp[pos][pivot][num] = ret;
return ret;
} LL solve(LL n)
int len = ;
digit[++len] = n%;
n /= ;
} LL ret = ;
for(int i = ; i<=len; i++)
ret += dfs(len, i, , true); /*
它是平衡数,那么它的平衡点只有一个,所以是+1,正好一一对应. 但对于000……00来说,它的每个
位置都可以作为平衡点( 因为左右两边都等于0),所以是+len,但是000……00却只是一个数,所以
return ret-(len-);
} int main()
LL T, n, m;
scanf("%lld", &T);
LL ans = solve(n) - solve(m-);
printf("%lld\n", ans);
return ;

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