1. 直接编译,会自动生成 a.out 文件,此文件即为可执行文件

# 编译 *.c 文件,生成可执行文件 a.out
gcc euclide.c # 直接运行如下,如果没有输入和输出文件的话
# < input.txt
# > output.txt
# 可以增加参数值

下面代码可以生成相同用户名的 .o 文件,生成 getchar.o 文件

# -c - Compile and assemble, but do not link.
gcc -c getchar.c

下面代码可以生成指定名称的 executable,生成 getchar 文件

# -o <file> - Place the output into <file>.
gcc getchar.c -o getchar # 也可以
gcc -o getchar getchar.c

2. 运行时间计算,使用 time 命令

The time command returns:

  • real = time you wait (not useful, systems multitask), also called clock time
  • user = CPU time when your program is actually running
  • sys = CPU time taken in system calls (your program is not running but is still using time)

Hence the user + sys time is the actual time taken by the program.


alex@alex-VirtualBox:~/Documents/COMP9024/Lectures/Week01$ gcc euclid.c
alex@alex-VirtualBox:~/Documents/COMP9024/Lectures/Week01$ ./a.out
alex@alex-VirtualBox:~/Documents/COMP9024/Lectures/Week01$ time ./a.out
1 real 0m0.002s
user 0m0.001s
sys 0m0.001s
alex@alex-VirtualBox:~/Documents/COMP9024/Lectures/Week01$ date
Mon 24 Jun 15:38:06 AEST 2019
alex@alex-VirtualBox:~/Documents/COMP9024/Lectures/Week01$ time date
Mon 24 Jun 15:38:08 AEST 2019 real 0m0.001s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.001s
alex@alex-VirtualBox:~/Documents/COMP9024/Lectures/Week01$ time sleep 3 real 0m3.015s
user 0m0.002s
sys 0m0.000s

3. 写的话就正常写,跟 Windows 也没啥区别,虽然 gedit 显示的很舒服,但是没有语法提示。。


# 编译使用 gcc
# fgets.c 为 源代码
# -o
# fgets 为可执行文件
gcc fgets.c -o fgets


# fgets 为可执行文件,注意调用的时候需要添加 ./ 的部分
# < test.txt 表示文件内容标准输入,注意此时没有 ./ 的部分
# 不造为什么哈,也懒得查啦。。
./fgets < test.txt

Ubuntu 运行效果:

4.  echo 输出内容

Reminder: the echo command just sends the string arguments to stdout (i.e. the screen here)

alex@alex-VirtualBox:~/Documents/COMP9024/Lectures/Week01$ echo love is blind
love is blind

作为输入参数,echo 输出的 owl,作为 后面程序的输入参数

// prog.c
#include <stdio.h> int main(){
char a[10];
fgets(a, 10, stdin); printf("%s\n", a); return 0;


# 编译
gcc prog.c
# 输出 owl 作为 后面可执行文件的输入参数
echo owl | ./a.out
# input 里面存储的就是 owl,可以实现与上面一样的效果
./a.out < input

5. 获取帮助

可以通过 命令名称 --help

或者 help 命令名称 来实现

gcc --help

help echo

6. There are many ways to 'test' a program that reads stdin.

  • scanf()
  • getchar()
  • Using the keyboard
  • Using a data file
  • Using a pipe command. A pipe command joins the stdout of a program to the stdin of another program.
# Using the keyboard

prompt$ dcc -o counts counts.c
prompt$ ./counts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 #where the integer 10 was typed on the keyboard by the user, and the program generates #the count from 1 to 10. #Using a data file, input.txt say, which contains the integer 10 (followed by a newline). prompt$ more input.txt
10 prompt$ ./counts < input.txt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 #Using a pipe command. A pipe command joins the stdout of a program to the stdin of #another program. If we have a program called write10.c:
#then we can pipe its stdout to the stdin of our counting program prompt$ dcc -o write10 write10.c
prompt$ dcc -o counts counts.c
prompt$ ./write10 | ./counts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 #But you can actually generate a string much more easily in UNIX using echo prompt$ echo "10" | ./counts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7. shell 命令

  • more:用来查看文件内容
  • zip:用来压缩文件
    • -r Option:【文件夹】 To zip a directory recursively, use the -r option with the zip command and it will recursively zips the files in a directory. This option helps you to zip all the files present in the specified directory.
       $zip –r filename.zip directory_name
    • 参考:ZIP command in Linux with examples

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