This lesson shows how you can extend and reuse logic in Vue components using TypeScript inheritance. It will take you through extending a component, its properties and methods, and how hooks are triggered along the inheritance tree.

We can define a Parent.ts file, which only contains the logic without any template:

import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';

export default class Parent extends Vue {
created() {
console.log("Parent is created")
} click() {
console.log("Parent is clicked")
} parentClicked() {
console.log("Parent is clicked")

Then we can extends this Parent Class from a vue component:

<div class="hello">
<h1>{{ msg }}</h1>
<h2>{{ fullMessage }}</h2>
<button @click="click">Click</button>
<button @click="parentClicked">Parent Click</button>
</template> <script lang="ts">
import { Component, Prop, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import Parent from './Parent'; @Component
export default class HelloWorld extends Parent {
@Prop() private msg!: string; // replace computed props
get fullMessage() {
return `${this.msg} should be fullmessage from a getter`
} created() {
console.log("Component is created")
} click() {
alert('Should replace what used to be defined in methods objects')

Once we extends from Parent, HelloWorld Component can inherit its Parent class's methods and props.

For example:

Will call parentClicked method from Parent Class from HelloWorld Component.

<!-- HelloWorld.vue -->
<button @click="parentClicked">Parent Click</button>

If we don't define 'click' method in HelloWolrd component, it will using Parent's click() method.

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