Atom实用配置插件for C++
autocomplete-clang 自动补全
autocomplete for C/C++/ObjC using clang
autocomplete-python 自动补全
Python packages, variables, methods and functions with their arguments autocompletion powered by Jedi
build 编译
Build your current project, directly from Atom
Do git things without the terminal
language-cmake 语法高亮
Syntax highlighting for CMake for Atom
C++14 language support including new keywords, raw strings, digit separators, and binary literals
Cython language support in Atom
linter 错误定位
A Base Linter with Cow Powers to visualize errors and other kind-of messages, easily.
Lint C-based files using clang
script 实时运行代码
Run code in Atom!
atom-beautify 代码格式优化
Beautify HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Coldfusion, and SQL in Atom.
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