
within group (order by day)同一行如何排序

with temp as
select '1月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '2月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '2月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '3月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '3月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '3月' month, '' day from dual
month,listagg(day,',')within group (order by day ) days
from temp
group by month;

with temp as
select '1月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '2月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '2月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '3月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '3月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '3月' month, '' day from dual
from temp
group by month;


不使用group by

with temp as
select '1月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '2月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '2月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '3月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '3月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '3月' month, '' day from dual
select month ,
listagg(day,',')within group (order by day) over (partition by month) DAYS
from temp

with temp as
select '1月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '2月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '2月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '3月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '3月' month, '' day from dual union all
select '3月' month, '' day from dual
select *
from (select month,
to_char(wm_concat(day) over(partition by month order by day)) days,
row_number() over(partition by month order by day desc) rn
from temp)
where rn = 1

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