using namespace std;
const int HEIGHT = ;
const int WIDTH = ;
bool isFound = false;
int maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
void initialMaze()
{ maze[][] = ;//入口
maze[HEIGHT - ][WIDTH - ] = ;//出口
for (int i = ; i < HEIGHT; i++)//用随机数0,1填充迷宫
for (int j = ; j < WIDTH; j++)
if (i == && j == )
if (i == HEIGHT - && j == WIDTH - )
maze[i][j] = rand() % ;
} //展示生成的迷宫
for (int i = ; i < HEIGHT; i++)
for (int j = ; j < WIDTH; j++)
cout << maze[i][j];
if (j != WIDTH - )
cout << " ";
cout << endl;
int directory[][] = { {,},{,},{,},{,-},{,-},{-,-},{-,},{-,} };
bool isLeap(int x, int y)
return x >= && x < WIDTH&&y >= && y < HEIGHT; }
struct point {
int x;
int y;
struct dir
int x;
int y;
int d;
queue<dir> directoryQueue;
dir path[HEIGHT][WIDTH];//记录迷宫的路径
int output[HEIGHT*WIDTH][];
void mazeTravel(point start, point end, int maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH], int directory[][])
dir element;
//dir tmp;
int i;
int j;
int d;
int a;
int b;
element.x = start.x;
element.y = start.y;
element.d = -;
maze[start.x][start.y] = ;
while (!directoryQueue.empty())
element = directoryQueue.front();
dir m = element;
i = element.x;
j = element.y;
d = element.d + ; while (d < )
a = i + directory[d][];
b = j + directory[d][];
if (a == end.x&&b == end.y&&maze[a][b] == )
dir temp = m;
temp.d = d;
path[a][b] = temp; isFound = true;
if (isLeap(a, b)&&maze[a][b]==)
dir temp = m;
temp.d = d;
path[a][b] = temp; maze[a][b] = ;
element.x = a;
element.y = b;
element.d = -;
void printPath(point start, point end)
if (!isFound)
printf("The path is not found");
int step = ;
dir q;
q.x = end.x;
q.y = end.y;
q.d = ;
while (q.x != start.x || q.y != start.y)
output[step][] = q.x;
output[step][] = q.y;
output[step][] = q.d;
int x = q.x;
int y = q.y;
q.x = path[q.x][q.y].x;
q.y = path[x][q.y].y;
q.d = path[x][y].d;
output[step][] = q.x;
output[step][] = q.y;
output[step][] = q.d;
printf("The path is as follows: \n");
for (int i = step; i >= ; i--)
printf("(%d,%d)", output[i][], output[i][]);
if (i != )
int main()
point a, b;
a.x = ;
a.y = ;
b.x = HEIGHT - ;
b.y = WIDTH - ;
mazeTravel(a, b, maze, directory);
printPath(a, b);
return ;


The path is as follows:
Program ended with exit code:


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
using std::vector;
struct point
int x;
int y;
int step;
point(int _x, int _y, int _step) :x(_x), y(_y), step(_step) {}
point(int _x, int _y) :x(_x), y(_y), step(){}
bool operator==(const point& other)const
return x == other.x&&y == other.y;
int minSteps_BFS(const vector<vector<int>>& path, vector<vector<point>>& mp, point src, point des, int step);
int main()
vector<vector<int>> path = { { , , , , }, { , , , , }, { , , , , }, { , , , , }, { , , , , } };
vector<vector<point>> mp(, vector<point>());
point src(,);
point des(,);
int step = ;
cout << minSteps_BFS(path, mp, src, des, step) << endl;
cout << "具体路径如下:" << endl;
//vector<point> res;
while (!(mp[des.x][des.y] == src))
cout << des.x << " " << des.y << endl;
des = mp[des.x][des.y];
cout << des.x << " " << des.y << endl;
return ;
} int minSteps_BFS(const vector<vector<int>>& path, vector<vector<point>>& mp, point src, point des, int step)
const unsigned long n = path.size();
const unsigned long m = path[].size();
const int dx[] = { , , -, };
const int dy[] = { , -, , };
vector<vector<bool>> flag(n, vector<bool>(m, false));
flag[src.x][src.y] = true;
queue<point> que;
while (!que.empty())
point p = que.front();
for (int i = ; i < ; ++i)
if (p.x + dx[i] < || p.x + dx[i] >= n || p.y + dy[i] < || p.y + dy[i] >= m)
if (path[p.x + dx[i]][p.y + dy[i]] == && !flag[p.x + dx[i]][p.y + dy[i]])
flag[p.x + dx[i]][p.y + dy[i]] = true;
que.push(point(p.x + dx[i], p.y + dy[i], p.step + ));
mp[p.x + dx[i]][p.y + dy[i]]= p;
if (point(p.x + dx[i], p.y + dy[i], p.step + ) == des)
return p.step + ;
return -;



Program ended with exit code: 


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