一个Binding中的元素可以分为三类:协议、传输与编码, 它们分别可以指定如下信息:
- 协议栈元素指定诸如安全性、可靠性、上下文流设置(context flow settins);
- 传输中指定底层的传输协议,如TCP或是HTTP。
- 编码中指定发送到ServiceEndpoint中的消息编码,如Text/XML, Binary或是MTOM。
WCF预定义了一些Binding,它们在互操作性(Interoperability), 安全性(Security), 是否支持会话(Session), 是否支持事务(Transactions)和是否为全双工(Duplex)上各有不同。
Binding | Configuration Element | Description |
BasicHttpBinding |
basicHttpBinding Element |
A binding that is suitable for communicating with WS-Basic Profile conformant Web Services, for example, ASMX-based services. This binding uses HTTP as the transport and Text/XML as the default message encoding. |
WSHttpBinding |
wsHttpBinding Element |
A secure and interoperable binding that is suitable for non-duplex service contracts. |
WSDualHttpBinding |
wsDualHttpBinding Element |
A secure and interoperable binding that is suitable for duplex service contracts or communication through SOAP intermediaries. |
WSFederationHttpBinding |
wsFederationHttpBinding element |
A secure and interoperable binding that supports the WS-Federation protocol, enabling organizations that are in a federation to efficiently authenticate and authorize users. |
NetTcpBinding |
netTcpBinding Element |
A secure and optimized binding suitable for cross-machine communication between WCF applications. |
NetNamedPipeBinding |
netNamedPipeBinding Element |
A secure, reliable, optimized binding that is suitable for on-machine communication between WCF applications. |
NetMsmqBinding |
netMsmqBinding Element |
A queued binding that is suitable for cross-machine communication between WCF applications. |
NetPeerTcpBinding |
netPeerTcpBinding element |
A binding that enables secure, multi-machine communication. |
MsmqIntegrationBinding |
msmqIntegrationBinding element |
A binding that is suitable for cross-machine communication between an WCF application and existing MSMQ applications. |
Binding | Interoperability | Security (Default) | Session (Default) | Transactions | Duplex |
BasicHttpBinding |
Basic Profile 1.1 |
(None), Transport, Message, |
None, (None) |
(None) |
n/a |
WSHttpBinding |
WS |
Transport, (Message), Mixed |
(None), Transport, Reliable Session |
(None), Yes |
n/a |
WSDualHttpBinding |
WS |
(Message) |
(Reliable Session) |
(None), Yes |
Yes |
WSFederationHttpBinding |
WS-Federation |
(Message) |
(None), Reliable Session |
(None), Yes |
No |
NetTcpBinding |
.NET |
(Transport), Message |
Reliable Session, (Transport) |
(None), Yes |
Yes |
NetNamedPipeBinding |
.NET |
(Transport) |
None, (Transport) |
(None), Yes |
Yes |
NetMsmqBinding |
.NET |
Message, (Transport), Both |
(None) |
(None), Yes |
No |
NetPeerTcpBinding |
Peer |
(Transport) |
(None) |
(None) |
Yes |
MsmqIntegrationBinding |
(Transport) |
(None) |
(None), Yes |
n/a |
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