

例如输入数组1, 2, 4,7, 11, 15和数字15。由于4+11=15,因此输出是4和11。





// Find two numbers with a sum in a sorted array
// Output: true is found such two numbers, otherwise false
bool FindTwoNumbersWithSum
int data[], // a sorted array
unsigned int length, // the length of thesorted array
int sum, // the sum
int& num1, // the first number, output
int& num2 // the second number, output
bool found = false;
if(length < 1)
return found; int ahead = length - 1;
int behind = 0; while(ahead > behind)
long long curSum = data[ahead] + data[behind]; // if the sum of two numbers is equal to the input, then found them
if(curSum == sum)
num1 = data[behind];
num2 = data[ahead];
found = true;
// if the sum of two numbers is greater than the input, delete the greater number
else if(curSum > sum)
// if the sum of two numbers is less than the input, increase the less number
return found;

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