sort → new_ary click to toggle source
sort { |a, b| block } → new_ary

Returns a new array created by sorting self.

Comparisons for the sort will be done using the <=> operator or using an optional code block.

The block must implement a comparison between a and b, and return -1, when a follows b, 0 when a and b are equivalent, or +1 if b follows a.

See also Enumerable#sort_by.

a = [ "d", "a", "e", "c", "b" ]
a.sort #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
a.sort { |x,y| y <=> x } #=> ["e", "d", "c", "b", "a"]
a.sort { |x,y| x <=> Y }  #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]

sort! → ary click to toggle source
sort! { |a, b| block } → ary

Sorts self in place.

Comparisons for the sort will be done using the <=> operator or using an optional code block.

The block must implement a comparison between a and b, and return -1, when a follows b, 0 when a and b are equivalent, or +1 if b follows a.

See also Enumerable#sort_by.

a = [ "d", "a", "e", "c", "b" ]
a.sort! #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
a.sort! { |x,y| y <=> x } #=> ["e", "d", "c", "b", "a"] 参考链接:http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.0/Array.html#method-i-sort 3.sort和sort!的区别: sort和sort!函数,默认都使用 <=>比较,他们的区别在于:
sort! 可能会改变原先的数组,所以加个感叹号提醒
sort 返回的是新数组,没对原先的数组进行修改

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