
import json

filename = '/tmp/tvmapp.json'

print '<<<tvmapp>>>'
for a in json.load(open(filename)):
print 'item_name %s' % a['item_name']
print 'timestamp %s' % a['timestamp']
print 'check_type %s' % a['check_type'] if a['check_type'] == '0':
print 'status %s' % a['status']
print 'message %s' % a['message']
print 'unit %s' % a['unit']
print 'current_value %s' % a['current_value']
print 'threhold_value %s' % a['threhold_value'] #output
item_name mtq_unique_visitor
timestamp 1499320801
check_type 0
status 1
message this is a status message - current status is 1
item_name mtq_page_view
timestamp 1499320801
check_type 1
unit %
current_value 92
threhold_value >90|<60


"check_type": "0",
"item_name": "mtq_unique_visitor",
"message": "this is a status message - current status is 1",
"status": "1",
"timestamp": "1499320801"
"check_type": "1",
"item_name": "mtq_page_view",
"current_value": "92",
"threhold_value": ">90|<60",
"unit": "%",
"timestamp": "1499320801"


import time, re

def inventory_app(info):
inventory = []
for line in info:
if line[0] == 'item_name':
inventory.append((' '.join(line[1:]), None))
return inventory def parse_app(info):
'mtq_unique_visitor': { 'timestamp': '', 'check_type': '', 'status': '', 'message': '' },
'mtq_page_view': { 'timestamp': '', 'check_type': '', 'unit': '', 'current_value': '', 'threhold_value': ''}
data = {}
tmp = '' for line in info:
if line[0] == 'item_name':
tmp = ' '.join(line[1:])
data[tmp] = {}
data[tmp][line[0]] = ' '.join(line[1:]) return data def check_app(item, params, info):
data = parse_app(info) if data[item] is None:
return 2, 'The data is not exist.', [(item, 1)]
elif int(time.time()) - int(data[item]['timestamp']) >= 300:
return 2, 'The data is not update.', [(item, 1)]
elif data[item]['check_type'] == '0':
if data[item]['status'] == '0':
return 0, data[item]['message'], [(item, 0)]
return 2, data[item]['message'], [(item, 1)]
elif data[item]['check_type'] == '1':
exp = re.sub('([!<>]=?|=)', \
lambda x: data[item]['current_value'] + '=' + x.group(0) if x.group(0) == '=' else data[item]['current_value'] + x.group(0), data[item]['threhold_value']) \
.replace('|', ' or ').replace('&', ' and ')
if eval(exp):
return 0, 'threhold is %s, current value is %s%s' % (data[item]['threhold_value'], data[item]['current_value'], data[item]['unit']), [(item, int(data[item]['current_value']))]
return 2, 'threhold is %s, current value is %s%s' % (data[item]['threhold_value'], data[item]['current_value'], data[item]['unit']), [(item, int(data[item]['current_value']))] check_info['tvmapp'] = {
'inventory_function' : inventory_app,
'check_function' : check_app,
'has_perfdata' : True,
'service_description' : 'tvmapp %s',


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