关于堆,我们肯定熟知的就是它排序的时间复杂度在几个排序算法里面算是比較靠上的O(nlogn)常常会拿来和高速排序和归并排序讨论,并且它还有个长处是它的空间复杂度为O(1), 可是STL中没有给我们提供像vector, deque, stack, queue之类的数据结构供我们使用。但在C++STL中却提供了一些列的算法,让我们依然能够使用堆,比方make_heap(), push_heap(), pop_heap(), sort_heap()。今天就来论论这几个算法,在介绍上述算法之前先引入两个关于堆的算法,上述四个算法本质上都使用引入的两个算法。
void insert_heap(int a[], int i){
int j=(i-1)/2;
if(a[i] < a[j]){
swap(a[i], a[j]);
else break;
void sift_heap(int a[], int i){
// j 是 i 的左孩子
int j=2*i+1;
int n = strlen(a);
if(j<n-1 && a[j]<a[j+1]) ++j;
void build_heap(int a[], int n){
int i=n/2;
for(; i>=0; ++i){
sift_heap(a, i);
template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
inline void push_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last){
__push_heap_aux(first, last, distance_type(first), value_type(first));
template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance, class T>
inline void __push_heap_aux(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Distance*, T*) {
__push_heap(first, Distance((last - first) - 1), Distance(0), T(*(last - 1)));
template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance, class T>
void __push_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, Distance holeIndex, Distance topIndex, T value) {
Distance parent = (holeIndex - 1) / 2;
while (holeIndex > topIndex && *(first + parent) < value) {
*(first + holeIndex) = *(first + parent);
holeIndex = parent;
parent = (holeIndex - 1) / 2;
*(first + holeIndex) = value;
能够看到push_heap算法终于调用的是__push_heap,算法内部都用的是迭代器,first是指向堆顶的迭代器,holeIndex指的新插入元素位置距离堆顶的距离。first+topIndex是该堆顶的位置,topIndex是距离, value是新插入的元素的值。
template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance, class T>
void __adjust_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, Distance holeIndex, Distance len, T value) {
Distance topIndex = holeIndex;
Distance secondChild = 2 * holeIndex + 2; //得到右孩子节点
while (secondChild < len) {
if (*(first + secondChild) < *(first + (secondChild - 1))) //选择左右孩子中的较大节点
*(first + holeIndex) = *(first + secondChild);
holeIndex = secondChild;
secondChild = 2 * (secondChild + 1);
if (secondChild == len) {
*(first + holeIndex) = *(first + (secondChild - 1));
holeIndex = secondChild - 1;
__push_heap(first, holeIndex, topIndex, value);
template <class RandomAccessIterator>
inline void pop_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last) {
__pop_heap_aux(first, last, value_type(first));
template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
inline void __pop_heap_aux(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, T*) {
__pop_heap(first, last - 1, last - 1, T(*(last - 1)), distance_type(first));
template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Distance>
inline void __pop_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, RandomAccessIterator result, T value, Distance*) {
*result = *first;
__adjust_heap(first, Distance(0), Distance(last - first), value);
template <class RandomAccessIterator>
void sort_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last) {
while (last - first > 1) pop_heap(first, last--);
template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
inline void make_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) {
__make_heap(first, last, comp, value_type(first), distance_type(first));
template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare, class T, class Distance>
void __make_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp, T*, Distance*) {
if (last - first < 2) return; // 长度为0或1。就返回;
Distance len = last - first;
Distance parent = (len - 2)/2;
while (true) {
__adjust_heap(first, parent, len, T(*(first + parent)), comp);
if (parent == 0) return;
注: 以上所列出的STL算法均为SGI STL而且,列出的均为不能仅仅能排序规则的一组。
尽管stl中没有提供堆这个数据结构,可是priority queue的内部确是由堆来实现的。priority queue同意用户以不论什么次序将不论什么元素推入容器内,但取出的时候一定是从优先权最高的元素開始取。
binary heap正好具有这种特性。为了平衡各个操作的时间复杂度和实现的复杂度,binary heap适合作为priority queue的底层机制。
template <class T, class Sequence = vector<T>,
class Compare = less<typename Sequence::value_type> >
template <class T, class Sequence, class Compare>
class priority_queue {
typedef typename Sequence::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Sequence::size_type size_type;
typedef typename Sequence::reference reference;
typedef typename Sequence::const_reference const_reference;
Sequence c;
Compare comp;
priority_queue() : c() {}
explicit priority_queue(const Compare& x) : c(), comp(x) {} #ifdef __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES
template <class InputIterator>
priority_queue(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const Compare& x)
: c(first, last), comp(x) { make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp); }
template <class InputIterator>
priority_queue(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
: c(first, last) { make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp); }
priority_queue(const value_type* first, const value_type* last,
const Compare& x) : c(first, last), comp(x) {
make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);
priority_queue(const value_type* first, const value_type* last)
: c(first, last) { make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp); }
#endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */ bool empty() const { return c.empty(); }
size_type size() const { return c.size(); }
const_reference top() const { return c.front(); }
void push(const value_type& x) {
push_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);
void pop() {
pop_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);
}; // no equality is provided __STL_END_NAMESPACE #endif /* __SGI_STL_INTERNAL_QUEUE_H */
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(转载文章请注明出处: http://blog.csdn.net/swagle/article/details/24330605 )
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