
首先通过rdd.persist(newLevel: StorageLevel)对此rdd的StorageLevel进行赋值,同checkpoint一样,本身没有进行之久化操作。真正进行持久化操作实在之后的第一个action 中通过iterator方法进行调用:

  final def iterator(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
if (storageLevel != StorageLevel.NONE) {
getOrCompute(split, context)
} else {
computeOrReadCheckpoint(split, context)
if (storageLevel != StorageLevel.NONE) {
getOrCompute(split, context)
* Gets or computes an RDD partition. Used by RDD.iterator() when an RDD is cached.
private[spark] def getOrCompute(partition: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
//TODO block和partition的关系
val blockId = RDDBlockId(id, partition.index)
var readCachedBlock = true
// This method is called on executors, so we need call SparkEnv.get instead of sc.env.
SparkEnv.get.blockManager.getOrElseUpdate(blockId, storageLevel, elementClassTag, () => {
readCachedBlock = false
computeOrReadCheckpoint(partition, context)
}) match {
case Left(blockResult) =>
if (readCachedBlock) {
val existingMetrics = context.taskMetrics().inputMetrics
new InterruptibleIterator[T](context,[Iterator[T]]) {
override def next(): T = {
} else {
new InterruptibleIterator(context,[Iterator[T]])
case Right(iter) =>
new InterruptibleIterator(context, iter.asInstanceOf[Iterator[T]])
SparkEnv.get.blockManager.getOrElseUpdate(blockId, storageLevel, elementClassTag, () => {
readCachedBlock = false
computeOrReadCheckpoint(partition, context)


private def  doPutIterator[T](
blockId: BlockId,
iterator: () => Iterator[T],
level: StorageLevel,
classTag: ClassTag[T],
tellMaster: Boolean = true,
keepReadLock: Boolean = false): Option[PartiallyUnrolledIterator[T]] = {
doPut(blockId, level, classTag, tellMaster = tellMaster, keepReadLock = keepReadLock) { info =>
val startTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis
var iteratorFromFailedMemoryStorePut: Option[PartiallyUnrolledIterator[T]] = None
// Size of the block in bytes
var size = 0L
if (level.useMemory) {
// Put it in memory first, even if it also has useDisk set to true;
// We will drop it to disk later if the memory store can't hold it.
if (level.deserialized) {
memoryStore.putIteratorAsValues(blockId, iterator(), classTag) match {
case Right(s) =>
size = s
case Left(iter) =>
// Not enough space to unroll this block; drop to disk if applicable
if (level.useDisk) {
logWarning(s"Persisting block $blockId to disk instead.")
diskStore.put(blockId) { fileOutputStream =>
serializerManager.dataSerializeStream(blockId, fileOutputStream, iter)(classTag)
size = diskStore.getSize(blockId)
} else {
iteratorFromFailedMemoryStorePut = Some(iter)
} else { // !level.deserialized
memoryStore.putIteratorAsBytes(blockId, iterator(), classTag, level.memoryMode) match {
case Right(s) =>
size = s
case Left(partiallySerializedValues) =>
// Not enough space to unroll this block; drop to disk if applicable
if (level.useDisk) {
logWarning(s"Persisting block $blockId to disk instead.")
diskStore.put(blockId) { fileOutputStream =>
size = diskStore.getSize(blockId)
} else {
iteratorFromFailedMemoryStorePut = Some(partiallySerializedValues.valuesIterator)
} } else if (level.useDisk) {
diskStore.put(blockId) { fileOutputStream =>
serializerManager.dataSerializeStream(blockId, fileOutputStream, iterator())(classTag)
size = diskStore.getSize(blockId)
} val putBlockStatus = getCurrentBlockStatus(blockId, info)
val blockWasSuccessfullyStored = putBlockStatus.storageLevel.isValid
if (blockWasSuccessfullyStored) {
// Now that the block is in either the memory or disk store, tell the master about it.
info.size = size
if (tellMaster && info.tellMaster) {
reportBlockStatus(blockId, putBlockStatus)
addUpdatedBlockStatusToTaskMetrics(blockId, putBlockStatus)
logDebug("Put block %s locally took %s".format(blockId, Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTimeMs)))
if (level.replication > 1) {
val remoteStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val bytesToReplicate = doGetLocalBytes(blockId, info)
// [SPARK-16550] Erase the typed classTag when using default serialization, since
// NettyBlockRpcServer crashes when deserializing repl-defined classes.
// TODO(ekl) remove this once the classloader issue on the remote end is fixed.
val remoteClassTag = if (!serializerManager.canUseKryo(classTag)) {
} else {
try {
replicate(blockId, bytesToReplicate, level, remoteClassTag)
} finally {
logDebug("Put block %s remotely took %s"
.format(blockId, Utils.getUsedTimeMs(remoteStartTime)))
assert(blockWasSuccessfullyStored == iteratorFromFailedMemoryStorePut.isEmpty)

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