Xamarin 3.7.165 Preview



简单的来说,此次版本更新了对iOS 8的重大支持,以及Xamarin组件的功能更新和BUG修复,并且改进了某些兼容性问题。


What is Xamarin 3.7 Preview ? http://developer.xamarin.com/releases/vs/xamarin.vs_3/xamarin.vs_3.7/

What is Xamarin.iOS 8.2 ? http://developer.xamarin.com/releases/ios/xamarin.ios_8/xamarin.ios_8.2/

What is Xamarin.Android 4.18 ? http://developer.xamarin.com/releases/android/xamarin.android_4/xamarin.android_4.18/

What is Xamarin for Visual Studio ? http://xamarin.com/visual-studio

Online Download Xamarin & Registration : http://xamarin.com/download


Xamarin 3.7 Preview

Xamarin 3.7 updates Xamarin.iOS 8.2 and Xamarin.Android 4.18 releases, and support for iOS8 development.

Xamarin Designer for iOS

  • Actions, Outlets and new types are now generated when a Xamarin.iOS based project is used.
  • Custom properties should always show up in the correct section in the property panel.
  • The PreferredStatusBarStyle value for custom UIViewControllers is respected by the designer.
  • Much improved support for constraints made against the margin of a superview/sibling view.
  • Changing the 'Breaking mode' in WebView should work correctly now
  • Altering the text traints in UITextField should work correctly now
  • Setting the 'selectedImage' property of UITabBarItem correctly updates the storyboard

Changes to custom control rendering

Over the last several months we have realised that the majority of custom controls are unsafe to execute by default in side the designer. They typically rely on data provided by the application, but that data is not available when run inside the designer and so they just throw exceptions.

To provide a better experience for people we have made custom control support opt-in rather than than enabled by default. To load up a specific UIView or UIViewController as a custom control you must either implement


or annotate the class with

 [DesignTimeVisible (true)]

New Features

  • Support for Xamarin Components with Nuget Packages dependencies.
  • Allow to load, create and browse Xamarin projects with starter license. However, build is not allowed. This version includes a new landing page which allows the user to login or go to the store to enable project build.

Cannot load/build application

Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix for error when trying to load Xamarin projects saying the project is "Unsupported"
  • Fixes unsolvable warning "There is a minor mismatch between the Build Host and Xamarin Visual Studio".
  • Fix for iOS Activation Dialog appearing on each Android project load, create or build when the user has a Xamarin Android Business License but not a Xamarin.iOS.
  • Try to automatically reconnect to Build Host after disconnection if it was not explicitly disconnected.

Known Issues

Xamarin.iOS Unified API compatibility with Portable Libraries and NuGet Packages

Xamarin 3.6 introduces a new Xamarin.iOS Unified API framework in addition to the classic Xamarin.iOS one (MonoTouch). As the current stable version of Microsoft NuGet Package Manager (2.8.2) does not support this framework yet, we're not registering the framework in the compatible Portable Profiles to avoid breaking the existing NuGet behavior for PCL projects.

To enable .Net Portable Libraries compatibility with the new Xamarin.iOS Unified API framework before the official stable 2.8.3 release of NuGet is available from Microsoft, we're providing a separate installer, which registers the framework in the compatible profiles, and installs an Alpha version of Microsoft NuGet Package Manager (2.8.3 Alpha), to avoid breaking NuGet support in your projects.

You can download this additional installer from the following link:http://xvs.xamarin.com/Xamarin.iOS.PortableNuGet.msi

iOS Designer

  • Contraint support in the iOS Designer is not functional in Xamarin 3.7.165.

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