1. @Async源码探究

1.1. 上代码

public class SpringbootLearnApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(SpringbootLearnApplication.class, args);
} }
public class CreatingThread08Service { @Async
public void call(CountDownLatch countDownLatch) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " is running");
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " is over"); }
public class SpringbootLearnApplicationTests { @Autowired
private CreatingThread08Service creatingThread08Service; private int count = 4; private CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(count); @Test
public void contextLoads() { StopWatch stopwatch = new StopWatch("async test");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} }


task-2 is running
task-2 is over
task-4 is running
task-4 is over
task-1 is running
task-1 is over
task-3 is running
task-3 is over
StopWatch 'async test': running time (millis) = 1018
ms % Task name
01018 100%

1.2. 提问

1.2.1. 加了该注解的方法,如果同时被调用n次,难道会创建n个线程?

  • 通过debugger源码找到如下信息,为它默认线程池设置属性

  • 我们把运行数量加大到count=20

  • 结果

task-1 is running
task-1 is over
task-8 is running
task-8 is over
task-5 is running
task-5 is over
task-3 is running
task-3 is over
task-4 is running
task-4 is over
task-7 is running
task-7 is over
task-2 is running
task-2 is over
task-6 is running
task-6 is over
task-1 is running
task-1 is over
task-8 is running
task-3 is running
task-3 is over
task-5 is running
task-5 is over
task-8 is over
task-4 is running
task-6 is running
task-6 is over
task-7 is running
task-7 is over
task-2 is running
task-2 is over
task-4 is over
task-5 is running
task-1 is running
task-8 is running
task-8 is over
task-1 is over
task-3 is running
task-3 is over
task-5 is over
StopWatch 'async test': running time (millis) = 3021
ms % Task name
03021 100%
  • 可以看出,如截图一致,它的运行核心执行线程数为8,且队列数很大,所以几乎不会再创建新的线程数,我特意sleep了1秒,20个任务,足够该线程池运行3遍,所以最大延迟3秒多

1.3. 那么核心线程数这个值能够变吗?

  • 可以,通过application.properties中修改spring.task.execution.pool.core-size=20的值,比如我现在改成20,那么打印结果如下
task-1 is running
task-9 is running
task-12 is running
task-15 is running
task-17 is running
task-11 is running
task-11 is over
task-1 is over
task-10 is running
task-10 is over
task-8 is running
task-8 is over
task-6 is running
task-6 is over
task-4 is running
task-4 is over
task-7 is running
task-7 is over
task-5 is running
task-3 is running
task-3 is over
task-20 is running
task-20 is over
task-17 is over
task-19 is running
task-19 is over
task-2 is running
task-2 is over
task-18 is running
task-18 is over
task-15 is over
task-16 is running
task-16 is over
task-12 is over
task-14 is running
task-14 is over
task-13 is running
task-13 is over
task-9 is over
task-5 is over
StopWatch 'async test': running time (millis) = 1020
ms % Task name
01020 100%
  • 所有线程只执行一遍,最大延迟就1秒多了

1.4. 总结

  • 使用该注解,会创建默认核心线程为8的线程池,它的很多属性是可以通过配置设置的,如下
  • 根据业务需求设置合理的属性值,就相当于spring给你创建了线程池了


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