关闭 OSX 10.11 SIP (System Integrity Protection) 功能

来源 https://cms.35g.tw/coding/%E9%97%9C%E9%96%89-osx-10-11-sip-system-integrity-protection-%E5%8A%9F%E8%83%BD/zh-hans/

Apple 从 10.9 开始导入kext需要签名认证后,在10.10全面启用此功能,每项置入/System/Library/Extersions/中的kext必需要经过签名认证系统才会启用此功能,然而在10.11时另外追加了System Integrity Protection (SIP)功能来保护系统档案及kext驱动避免被修改,即使是root权限也无法更改已经被系统设定的项目。


  1. cat /System/Library/Sandbox/rootless.conf


  1. /System
  2. * /System/Library/Caches
  3. booter /System/Library/CoreServices
  4. * /System/Library/Extensions
  5. /System/Library/Extensions/*
  6. UpdateSettings /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.UpdateSettings.plist
  7. * /System/Library/User Template
  8. /bin
  9. /sbin
  10. /usr
  11. * /usr/local
  12. # symlinks
  13. /etc
  14. /tmp
  15. /var


  1. /Applications/App Store.app
  2. /Applications/Automator.app
  3. /Applications/Calculator.app
  4. /Applications/Calendar.app
  5. /Applications/Chess.app
  6. /Applications/Contacts.app
  7. /Applications/Dashboard.app
  8. /Applications/Dictionary.app
  9. /Applications/DVD Player.app
  10. /Applications/FaceTime.app
  11. /Applications/Font Book.app
  12. /Applications/Game Center.app
  13. /Applications/Image Capture.app
  14. /Applications/Launchpad.app
  15. /Applications/Mail.app
  16. /Applications/Maps.app
  17. /Applications/Messages.app
  18. /Applications/Mission Control.app
  19. /Applications/Notes.app
  20. /Applications/Photo Booth.app
  21. /Applications/Photos.app
  22. /Applications/Preview.app
  23. /Applications/QuickTime Player.app
  24. /Applications/Reminders.app
  25. /Applications/Safari.app
  26. /Applications/Stickies.app
  27. /Applications/System Preferences.app
  28. /Applications/TextEdit.app
  29. /Applications/Time Machine.app
  30. /Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor.app
  31. /Applications/Utilities/AirPort Utility.app
  32. /Applications/Utilities/Audio MIDI Setup.app
  33. /Applications/Utilities/Bluetooth File Exchange.app
  34. /Applications/Utilities/Boot Camp Assistant.app
  35. /Applications/Utilities/ColorSync Utility.app
  36. /Applications/Utilities/Console.app
  37. /Applications/Utilities/Digital Color Meter.app
  38. /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility.app
  39. /Applications/Utilities/Feedback Assistant.app
  40. /Applications/Utilities/Grab.app
  41. /Applications/Utilities/Grapher.app
  42. /Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access.app
  43. /Applications/Utilities/Migration Assistant.app
  44. /Applications/Utilities/Script Editor.app
  45. /Applications/Utilities/System Information.app
  46. /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app
  47. /Applications/Utilities/VoiceOver Utility.app
  48. /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist
  49. /System
  50. * /System/Library/Caches
  51. booter /System/Library/CoreServices
  52. * /System/Library/CoreServices/Photo Library Migration Utility.app
  53. /System/Library/CoreServices/RawCamera.bundle
  54. * /System/Library/Extensions
  55. /System/Library/Extensions/*
  56. UpdateSettings /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.UpdateSettings.plist
  57. * /System/Library/Speech
  58. * /System/Library/User Template
  59. /bin
  60. dyld /private/var/db/dyld
  61. /sbin
  62. /usr
  63. * /usr/libexec/cups
  64. * /usr/local
  65. * /usr/share/man
  66. # symlinks
  67. /etc
  68. /tmp
  69. /var



在进行之前必需要确认你能进入Recovery OS,所以将你的系统重开机后按下Option(alt)键后进入选择启动磁碟:

看到你的启动磁碟名称有Recovery HD代表你具有Recovery OS,如果你未包含此OS,在开机时按下Option(alt) + R进入网路开机连线至Apple伺服器进行Recovery OS的安装,详细说明传送门


要进行SIP保护的变更需要透过csrutil工具程式进行修改,必需要经过Recovery OS开机后进入工具程式终端机执行此命令才有权限进行修改。


  1. usage: csrutil <command>
  2. Modify the System Integrity Protection configuration. All configuration changes apply to the entire machine.
  3. Available commands:
  5. clear
  6. Clear the existing configuration. Only available in Recovery OS.
  7. disable
  8. Disable the protection on the machine. Only available in Recovery OS.
  9. enable
  10. Enable the protection on the machine. Only available in Recovery OS.
  11. status
  12. Display the current configuration.
  14. netboot
  15. add <address>
  16. Insert a new IPv4 address in the list of allowed NetBoot sources.
  17. list
  18. Print the list of allowed NetBoot sources.
  19. remove <address>
  20. Remove an IPv4 address from the list of allowed NetBoot sources.

查看状态执行csutil status

  1. System Integrity Protection status: enabled (Custom Configuration).

单单关闭SIP执行sudo csrutil enable --no-internal

  1. Successfully enabled System Integrity Protection. Please restart the machine for the changes to take effect.


  1. csrutil: failed to modify system integrity configuration. This tool needs to be executed from the Recovery OS.

代表你使用的并非Recovery OS开机,请确定从Recovery OS开机再执行。

csrutil 进阶指令

如果你只是要细部的关闭某个SIP功能例如关闭kext需要签章功能执行sudo csrutil enable --without kext

  1. csrutil: requesting an unsupported configuration. This is likely to break in the future and leave your machine in an unknown state.
  2. Successfully enabled System Integrity Protection. Please restart the machine for the changes to take effect.



  1. csrutil enable [--without kext|fs|debug|dtrace|nvram] [--no-internal]


  • sudo csrutil enable –without fs:Filesystem Protections disable

  • sudo csrutil enable –without kext:Kext Signing disable

  • sudo csrutil enable –without debug:Debugging Restrictions disable

  • sudo csrutil enable –without nvram:NVRAM Protections disable

  • sudo csrutil enable –without dtrace:DTrace Restrictions disable


  • sudo csrutil enable –without kext –without fs:Filesystem Protections and Kext Signing are disabled



bit function
B0 kext
B1 fs
B2 debug
B3 n/a
B4 internal
B5 dtrace
B6 nvram
B7 n/a


  1. nvram csr-active-config=0x13


  1. sudo csrutil enable --without kext --without fs


csrutil updated in DP7

SIP/Rootless Internal in El Capitan

================ End

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