Project AutoVision - Localization and 3D Scene Perception for an Autonomous Vehicle with a Multi-Camera System

Lionel Heng, Benjamin Choi

Abstract: Project AutoVision aims to develop localization and 3D scene perception capabilities for a self-driving vehicle. Such capabilities will enable autonomous navigation in urban and rural environments, in day and night, and with cameras as the only exteroceptive sensors. The sensor suite employs many cameras for both 360-degree coverage and accurate multi-view stereo; the use of low-cost cameras keeps the cost of this sensor suite to a minimum. In addition, the project seeks to extend the operating envelope to include GNSS-less conditions which are typical for environments with tall buildings, foliage, and tunnels. Emphasis is placed on leveraging multi-view geometry and deep learning to enable the vehicle to localize and perceive in 3D space. This paper presents an overview of the project, and describes the sensor suite and current progress in the areas of calibration, localization, and perception.

Project AutoVision旨在为自动驾驶车辆开发定位和3D场景感知功能。这些功能将实现城市和乡村环境中的自主导航,白天和夜晚,以及相机作为唯一的外部感知传感器。传感器套件采用多个摄像头,可实现360度覆盖和精确的多视角双目; 使用低成本相机可将此传感器套件的成本降至最低。此外,该项目旨在扩大运营范围,以包括GNSS更少的条件,这对于高层建筑,树叶和隧道的环境来说是典型的。重点在于利用多视图几何和深度学习,使车辆能够在3D空间中进行定位和感知。本文概述了该项目,并描述了传感器套件以及校准,定位和感知领域的当前进展。

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