19年趋势: Intel® 2019网络技术研讨会圆满落幕

SANTOS: Flow and HQoS Acceleration Over DPDK Using Intel Programmable Acceleration Card N3000

External Memory Interface Handbook Volume 3: Reference Material

Intel Arria 10 Hard Processor System ( pdf )

all kinds of resource(Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card (Intel® FPGA PAC) N3000)

Avalon (pdf

Avalon® interfaces simplify system design by allowing you to easily connect components in Intel FPGAs. The Avalon® interface family defines interfaces appropriate for streaming high-speed data, reading and writing registers and memory, and controlling off-chip devices.

Intel Stratix 10 Avalon -MM硬IP PCIe 设计实例用户指南

Intel Stratix 10 Avalon -MM接口 PCI Express 解决方案用户指南

Serdes/PHY, Repeater, Retimer, Mux(Serdes / PHY,转发器/中继器,重定时器,复用器)

Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes pronounced sir-deez or sir-dez)

is a pair of functional blocks commonly used in high speed communications to compensate for limited input/output. These blocks convert data between serial data and parallel interfaces in each direction. The term "SerDes" generically refers to interfaces used in various technologies and applications. The primary use of a SerDes is to provide data transmission over a single line or a differential pair in order to minimize the number of I/O pins and interconnects.

中继器的作用及工作原理 (知乎


以太网复用器 可实现通过一路光纤混合传输最多四路E1数据和一路快速以太网数据。

复用器:将来自若干单独分信道的独立信号复合起来,在一公共信道的同一方向上进行传输的设备。 复用器是一种综合系统,通常包含一定数目的数据输入,n个地址输入(以二进制形式选择一种数据输入)。复用器有一个单独的输出,与选择的数据输入值相同。复用技术可能遵循以下原则之一,如:TDM、FDM、CDM 或 WDM。复用技术也应用于软件操作上,如:同时将多线程信息流传送到设备或程序中。


Ethernet retimers, redrivers & mux-buffers

V3000 提供 各种IP core 用于vRAN,Virtual BNGvRouter,vEPC,IPSec 和VPP等网络功能的加速卸载。详情请见官网

Understanding BNG by Cisco

Understanding the vEPC Solution by juniper.

CAPEX (capital expenditure)

A capital expenditure (Capex) is money invested by a company to acquire or upgrade fixed, physical, non-consumable assets, such as a building, a computer or a new business. Generally, there are two types of capital expenses: purchases made to maintain existing levels of operation within a company and purchases intended to foster future growth.

资本支出(Capex)是公司为购买或升级固定的,有形的,非消耗性资产(例如建筑物,计算机或新业务)而投资的资金。 通常,有两种类型的资本支出:为维持公司现有运营水平而进行的购买,以及旨在促进未来增长的购买。

A capital expenditure can be tangible, such as a copy machine, or it can be intangible, such as patent. In many tax codes, both tangible and intangible capital expenditures are counted as assets because they have the potential to be sold if necessary.

资本支出可以是有形的,例如复印机,也可以是无形的,例如专利。 在许多税法中,有形和无形的资本支出都被视为资产,因为有必要时有可能出售它们。

OPEX (operational expenditure)

An operational expenditure (Opex) is the money a company spends on an ongoing, day-to-day basis in order to run a business or system. Depending upon the industry, these expenses can range from the ink used to print documents to the wages paid to employees. The counterpart, Capex, is the money spent on the improvement or purchase of fixed assets.

运营支出(Opex)是公司为了运营业务或系统而在日常基础上花费的资金。 根据行业的不同,这些费用的范围从打印文档所用的墨水到支付给员工的工资。 对应的资本支出是花在改善或购买固定资产上的钱。

There is a direct correlation between Opex and the value of the enterprise, in that when the Opex decreases, while maintaining the same level of production and quality, the overall value of the enterprise increases.


Opex and Capex are commonly used financial reporting terms. A similar but not closely related term, forex, stands for foreign exchange.

运营支出和资本支出是常用的财务报告术语。 外汇是一个类似但不密切相关的术语,代表外汇。


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