Houdini Python开发实战 课程笔记
P2 + P3 + P4 + P5 - 基础:
1. Houdini中使用Python的地方
2. Textport:可使用cd、ls等路径操作的命令(命令前加%,可在python中使用)
3. Source Editor
在Source Editor中定义函数
4. Python Shell
obj = hou.node("/obj")
obj.createNode("geo") hou.cd("/obj/geo") # 返回当前路径
hou.pwd() file1 = hou.node("./file1")
file1.destory() hou.pwd().createNode("shpere")
shpere = hou.node("shpere1")
box = hou.node("box")
merge = hou.node("merge1") # 将box和shpere联合起来
merge.setFirstInput(sphere, 0)
# 返回merge联合的节点
merge.inputs() # 将merge联合的box去除
merge.setInput(1,None) # 返回父节点及子节点
obj.children() # 返回子节点元组的函数
def getChildren(node):
childList = []
for n in node.children():
return childList
# 调用函数
getChildren("/") # 返回场景中所有节点的元组的函数
def getChildren(node):
childList = []
for n in node.children():
if n.children():
childList += getChildren(n)
return childList
# 操作节点的参数 # 获得参数
parm = hou.parm("./shpere1/radx")
# 取参数值
# 修改值
parm.set(5.0) parmtuple = hou.parmTuple("./shpere1/rad")
parmtuple.set((5.0, 5.0, 5.0))
可通过将界面元素(节点、参数、工具)拖进Python Shell获得其代码定义
# 取得节点的name
hou.pwd().name() # 取得帮助
Python文档:Houdini - Help
# 将多个节点布局好
hou.pwd().layoutChildren() sphere.setParms({"radx": 3.0 , "tx": 2.0})
P6 - 创建工具栏工具:
1. New Shelf
Name - 小写 加 下划线
Label - 首字母大写
2. New Tool
# 点击工具得到对话框
hou.ui.displayMessage("Hello Houdini !") # box_tool 创建一个box节点
geoNet = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor) position = geoNet.selectPosition() box = geoNet.pwd().createNode("box") box.setPosition(position)
P7 + P8 - 创建螺旋线工具:
1. 工具栏 kwargs参数(世界列表)
2. 自定义工具-螺旋线
from math import sin, cos geoNet = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor) spiral = geoNet.pwd().createNode("curve") coordsParm = spiral.parm("coords") inputParms = readMultiInput(message = "Enter parameters:" , input_labels = ["height", "lRadius", "uRadius", "frequency"], initial_contents = ["", "", "", ""]) height = float(inputParms[1][0])
lRadius = float(inputParms[1][1])
uRadius = float(inputParms[1][2])
frequency = float(inputParms[1][3]) coordsStr = "" radius = lRadius
step = (lRadius - uRadius) / (height * frequency) for i in range(int(height * frequency)):
px = str(radius * sin(i))
py = str(i / frequency)
pz = str(radius * cos(i)) coordsStr += px + ", " + py + ", " + pz + " " radius -= step coordsParm.set(coordsStr)
P9 - P15 - 创建sop节点:
创建 “Add Color SOP” 节点
1. New Operator Type
2. 代码
import hou
import random node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry() # 给定种子 保证每次运行otl得到的结果相同
random.seed(123) colorAttrib = geo.addAttrib(hou.attribTypr.Point, "Cd", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) color = hou.Color() pointsNum = len(geo.points()) for point in geo.points():
pos = point.position() px = pos[0]
py = pos[1] + random.random() * random.choice([-1,1])
pz = pos[2] point.setPosition((px, py, pz)) value = float(point.number()) / pointsNum
color.setHSV((value * 255, 1.0, 1.0))
point.setAttribValue(colorAttrib, color.rgb())
创建 “Color Falloff SOP” 节点
1. 添加节点,并为节点添加两个参数
2. Color Falloff 效果 - 代码
import hou
import random node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry() # 给定种子 保证每次运行otl得到的结果相同
random.seed(123) colorAttrib = geo.addAttrib(hou.attribTypr.Point, "Cd", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) color = hou.Color() position = hou.Vector3(node.parmTuple("position").eval())
falloff = max( node.parm("falloff").eval(), 0.0001) for point in geo.points():
pos = point.position() px = pos[0]
py = pos[1] # + random.random() * random.choice([-1,1])
pz = pos[2] point.setPosition((px, py, pz)) distance = (pos - position) value = min(distance / falloff , 1.0)
color.setHSV((value * 255, 1.0, 1.0))
point.setAttribValue(colorAttrib, color.rgb())
3. Color Wave 效果 - 代码
import hou
import random node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry() # 给定种子 保证每次运行otl得到的结果相同
random.seed(123) colorAttrib = geo.addAttrib(hou.attribTypr.Point, "Cd", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) color = hou.Color() position = hou.Vector3(node.parmTuple("position").eval())
falloff = max( node.parm("falloff").eval(), 0.0001)
frequency = max( node.parm("frequency").eval(), 0.0001)
height = node.parm("height").eval() for point in geo.points():
pos = point.position() distance = (pos - position) value = abs(sin( min(distance / falloff , 1.0) ) * frequency)
color.setHSV((value * 255, 1.0, 1.0))
point.setAttribValue(colorAttrib, color.rgb()) px = pos[0]
py = pos[1] + height * color.rgb()[1]
pz = pos[2] point.setPosition((px, py, pz))
P13 动画
4. Color Falloff基础上 添加 法线 - 代码
#primitive type : mesh || NURBS import hou
import random node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry() # 给定种子 保证每次运行otl得到的结果相同
random.seed(123) colorAttrib = geo.addAttrib(hou.attribTypr.Point, "Cd", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) color = hou.Color() position = hou.Vector3(node.parmTuple("position").eval())
falloff = max( node.parm("falloff").eval(), 0.0001)
u_div = hou.evalParm("u_div")
v_div = hou.evalParm("v_div")
threshHold = hou.evalParm("threshHold")
height = hou.evalParm("height") surface = geo.iterPrims()[0] for point in geo.iterPoints():
pos = point.position() px = pos[0]
py = pos[1]
pz = pos[2] point.setPosition((px, py, pz)) distance = (pos - position) value = min(distance / falloff , 1.0)
color.setHSV((value * 255, 1.0, 1.0))
point.setAttribValue(colorAttrib, color.rgb()) for uNum in xrange(u_div + 1):
u = float(uNum) / u_div
for vNum in xrange(v_div + 1):
v = float(vNum) / v_div
uvColor = surface.attribValueAt("Cd", u, v)
pos0 = surface.positionAt(u, v) pos1 = pos0 + surface.normalAt(u, v) * height ploy = geo.createPolygon()
poly.setIsClosed(false) if uvColor[2] > threshHold: # 只给绿色的地方添加法线(0.9) for p in [pos0, pos10:
point = geo.createPoint()
point.setAttribValue(colorAttrib, uvColor)
5. 将4完成的sop连接到 Add Color sop下
#primitive type : mesh || NURBS import hou
import random node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry() # 给定种子 保证每次运行otl得到的结果相同
random.seed(123) colorAttrib = geo.findPointAttrib("Cd") position = hou.Vector3(node.parmTuple("position").eval())
falloff = max( node.parm("falloff").eval(), 0.0001)
u_div = hou.evalParm("u_div")
v_div = hou.evalParm("v_div")
threshHold = hou.evalParm("threshHold")
height = hou.evalParm("height") surface = geo.iterPrims()[0] for uNum in xrange(u_div + 1):
u = float(uNum) / u_div
for vNum in xrange(v_div + 1):
v = float(vNum) / v_div
uvColor = surface.attribValueAt("Cd", u, v)
pos0 = surface.positionAt(u, v) pos1 = pos0 + surface.normalAt(u, v) * height ploy = geo.createPolygon()
poly.setIsClosed(false) if uvColor[2] > threshHold: # 只给绿色的地方添加法线(0.9) for p in [pos0, pos10:
point = geo.createPoint()
point.setAttribValue(colorAttrib, uvColor)
再增加一个sop 来控制法线的粗细(width)
查看渲染过程中的点的信息 Details View(P12 19min)
可在Parameters中限制参数的取值范围 (P11 3min)
P16 - P19 - 表达式:
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