Open source Blockchain Platforms

Open source software is a radical model oriented technology which enables the organization to fasten their development to initially reduce the cost entirely, and in return, it increases the innovation to get the goal of efficiency.

We all know that none of the open source projects generates much confidence on the international position especially the Bitcoin blockchain technology. Now as our world is evolving people have started looking and considering other open source Blockchain platforms.

However, here are some of the leading open source Blockchain platforms.


This software allows anyone present in the platform to create as well as run an application from anywhere. This is dependable on the Blockchain or any smart contract technology that you use. A government can use these smart contracts to do business with Eris automatically.

It is a big time free software that allows to completely commence and build an own secure, low-cost, run-anywhere applications using blockchain and smart contract technology.

  • Features of Eris

It depends on the kinds of stuff that you turn on and off. Further, this will help to directly develop a group of a permission-ed chain for the individuals. Along with the provision of smart contract tool chain, it has an instrument to analyze the complete action step by step manner.


This software is an extension of the Ethereum platform which helps to create a Permissioned which is attached to the Distributed Ledgers. The application in this software is private chain oriented and is mainly set up for the financial industry.

  • Features of Hydrachain

This extension is the most compatible software to the Ethereum Protocol, and it has an instant finality to the process it initiates. The contracts involved in this extension is of native. Moreover, it is famous for its customizability feature. This extension is easy to deploy because of its open source and commercial support.


This software helps the companies to design, implement as well as operate Distributed ledgers instantly.

  • Features of Multichain

The supervision of this software happens with the support of permission. The deployment in this chain is instant. This platform is Bitcoin compatible and also, extendable.


This is an open source distributed ledger technology which stands alone. It is mainly suited for companies which are interested in managing their digital assets in a robust and flexible manner.

Anyone can spin up a new Openchain instance within seconds. The administrator of an Openchain instance defines the rules of the ledger. End-users can exchange value on the ledger according to those standards. Every transaction on the ledger is valid through a digital signature, in the same way like Bitcoin.

  • Features of OpenChain

This ledger is of Real time, and in addition to that, the transaction is entirely free with a high scalability. This chain always stands alone and also, maintains its privacy due to the factor of decentralization. All things considered, this is a secure platform with unified API.

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