
Processes blocks and adds them to the blockchain



  • blockchain Blockchain A blockchain that to process 一个处理的区块链
  • cb Function the callback function 回调函数


VM Class, new VM(opts) creates a new VM object



  • opts Object

    • opts.stateManager StateManager a StateManager instance to use as the state store (Beta API) 用于状态存储的StateManager实例(还在实验阶段)其实这个就是区块上的state merkle-patricia树,用于存储区块上的所有账户的信息
    • opts.state Trie a merkle-patricia-tree instance for the state tree (ignored if stateManager is passed) 用于状态树的一个merkle-patricia树(如果上面的stateManager已经传递,这个就可以忽略)
    • opts.blockchain Blockchain a blockchain object for storing/retrieving blocks (ignored if stateManager is passed) 为了存储/检索区块的区块链对象(如果上面的stateManager已经传递,这个就可以忽略)
    • opts.chain (String | Number) the chain the VM operates on [default: 'mainnet']  VM操作在那个链上(默认是mainnet链)
    • opts.hardfork String hardfork rules to be used [default: 'byzantium', supported: 'byzantium',  'constantinople' (will throw on unsupported)]    使用的硬分支规则(默认是byzantium',还支持'byzantium',  'constantinople',如果输入的是不支持的将抛出错误)  
    • opts.activatePrecompiles Boolean create entries in the state tree for the precompiled contracts 为了预编译合约在状态树上创建条目,其实就是在state merkle-patricia树上手动添加一些账户的信息,就跟ganache一样,一开始就有可用的账户
    • opts.allowUnlimitedContractSize Boolean allows unlimited contract sizes while debugging. By setting this to true, the check for contract size limit of 24KB (see EIP-170) is bypassed. (default: false; ONLY set to true during debugging) 当调试时,允许不限制的合约大小。通过将其设置为true,来忽视合约大小设置为24KB的检查(细节看本博客ethereum/EIPs-170 Contract code size limit)。(默认为false,只在调试时设置为true)
    • opts.emitFreeLogs Boolean Changes the behavior of the LOG opcode, the gas cost of the opcode becomes zero and calling it using STATICCALL won't throw. (default: false; ONLY set to true during debugging) 改变日志操作吗的行为,gas开销的操作码变为0,使用STATICCALL操作码调用它将抛出错误(默认为false,只有在调试时设置为true)


Processes the block running all of the transactions it contains and updating the miner's account



  • opts

    • opts.block Block the Block to process 处理的区块
    • opts.generate Boolean [gen=false] whether to generate the stateRoot, if false runBlock will check the stateRoot of the block against the Trie 是否生成stateRoot,如果设置为false,runBlock将会靠着前缀树来查看区块的stateRoot
  • cb runBlock~callback callback 回调函数


Callback for runBlock method


Type: Function


  • error Error an error that may have happened or null  发生的错误或null
  • results Object
    • results.receipts Array the receipts from the transactions in the block 区块中来自交易的receipt
    • results.results Array 返回结果


Process a transaction. Run the vm. Transfers eth. Checks balances.



  • opts

    • opts.tx Transaction a Transaction to run 运行的交易
    • opts.skipNonce Boolean skips the nonce check  跳过nonce检查
    • opts.skipBalance Boolean skips the balance check  跳过余额检查
    • opts.block Block the block to which the tx belongs, if no block is given a default one is created  交易属于的区块,如果没有,则创建一个默认块
  • cb runTx~callback the callback 回调函数


Callback for runTx method


Type: Function


  • error Error an error that may have happened or null  发生的错误或null
  • results Object
    • results.amountSpent BN the amount of ether used by this transaction as a bignum  被这个交易使用的ether的数量,BN格式
    • results.gasUsed BN the amount of gas as a bignum used by the transaction  被这个交易使用的gas,BN格式
    • results.gasRefund BN the amount of gas as a bignum that was refunded during the transaction (i.e. gasUsed = totalGasConsumed - gasRefund)  在交易中被退还的gas,BN格式(使用的gas = 总使用的gas - 退还的gas)
  • vm VM contains the results from running the code, if any, as described in vm.runCode(params, cb)  虚拟机,如果存在,包含通过运行代码得到的结果,就像vm.runCode(params, cb)所说


Runs EVM code



  • opts Object

    • opts.account Account the Account that the executing code belongs to. If omitted an empty account will be used 执行的代码属于的账户。如果省略则使用空账户
    • opts.address Buffer the address of the account that is executing this code. The address should be a Buffer of bytes. Defaults to 0 执行这个代码的账户的地址。地址应该是字节的buffer格式。默认为0
    • opts.block Block the Block the tx belongs to. If omitted a blank block will be used 这个交易属于的区块。如果省略则使用一个黑块
    • opts.caller Buffer the address that ran this code. The address should be a Buffer of 20bits. Defaults to 0 运行这个代码的地址。这个地址应该为20bits的buffer格式,默认为0
    • opts.code Buffer the EVM code to run given as a Buffer 以buffer格式给出的用来运行的以太坊虚拟机的代码
    • Buffer the input data 输入的数据
    • opts.gasLimit Buffer the gas limit for the code 这个代码使用的gas的限制
    • opts.origin Buffer the address where the call originated from. The address should be a Buffer of 20bits. Defaults to 0 这个调用起源的地址。这个地址应该为20bits的buffer格式,默认为0
    • opts.value Buffer the value in ether that is being sent to opt.address. Defaults to 0 被送给opt.address的ether。默认为0
  • cb runCode~callback callback 回调函数


Callback for runCode method


Type: Function


  • error Error an error that may have happened or null  发生的错误或null
  • results Object
    • results.gas BN the amount of gas left 剩下的gas数量
    • results.gasUsed BN the amount of gas as a bignum the code used to run  以bignum格式给出的这个代码用来运行的gas数量
    • results.gasRefund BN a bignum containing the amount of gas to refund from deleting storage values从删除的存储值中得到包含退还的gas的数量的大数
    • results.selfdestruct Object an Object with keys for accounts that have selfdestructed and values for balance transfer recipient accounts 包含自我毁灭的账户密钥和转移接收账户余额的值的对象
    • results.logs Array an Array of logs that the contract emitted 合约发出的日志数组
    • results.exception Number 0 if the contract encountered an exception, 1 otherwise 如果合约遇到了异常则为0,否则为1
    • results.exceptionError String a String describing the exception if there was one 如果有异常则用来描述异常的字符串
    • results.return Buffer a Buffer containing the value that was returned by the contract 包含被合约返回的值的buffer

Event: beforeBlock

The beforeBlock event  beforeBlock事件

Type: Object


  • block Block emits the block that is about to be processed 发出关于将要被处理的区块

Event: afterBlock

The afterBlock event afterBlock事件

Type: Object


  • result Object emits the results of processing a block 发出处理的区块的结果

Event: beforeTx

The beforeTx event

Type: Object


  • tx Transaction emits the Transaction that is about to be processed 发出将要被处理的交易

Event: afterTx

The afterTx event

Type: Object


  • result Object result of the transaction 交易的结果

Event: step

The step event for trace output追踪输出的step事件

Type: Object


  • pc Number representing the program counter  代表项目的计数
  • opcode String the next opcode to be ran  下一个运行的操作码
  • gasLeft BN amount of gasLeft  剩下的gas数量
  • stack Array an Array of Buffers containing the stack  包含堆栈的Buffers数组
  • account Account the Account which owns the code running  拥有运行代码的账户
  • address Buffer the address of the account  账户的地址
  • depth Number the current number of calls deep the contract is   合约所在的目前的调用深度数
  • memory Buffer the memory of the VM as a buffer 虚拟机的内存
  • stateManager StateManager a StateManager instance (Beta API)  一个StateManager实例


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