July 29th 2017 Week 30th Saturday
Where there is great love, there are always miracles.
Everyone expects there can be some miracles happening in the life.
Actually miracles happen everyday, if we can change our perceptions about what a miracle can be and we will see them all around us.
If we see each day as a similar one, our passions for life and work may gradually fade away.
If we see each day as a different one, it may bring us a miracle of its own, the only things left may be to pay attention to the miracle.
Besides, if we really love our life and work, there are miracles that happen every time.
The more we give, the more we will possess, and the more we share, the more we have.
Every artist was first an amateur.
From Ralph Emerson.
If you are interested in some thing, and you haven't received any professional training, you just try to do some researches, you are an amateur.
Being an amateur is the first step to be a professional, and even the professionals still have a lot to learn.
It is not shameful to admit that we are just amateurs, because no one can make sure that he understands every thing and every aspect.
There was a time when we had no confidence and there was a time when people didn't believe in us when we shared our dreams and aspirations.
Sure, some of us had natural, God-given talent, but even with that we still had a starting place that bares no resemblance to who we are today.
I reflect on this fact every single day.
It keeps me grounded and it helps me to put myself in the shoes of every artist that comes to me with a lack of self-confidence, worry and confusion.
Don't be ashamed of where our work were today, maybe we feel we are inferior to many others just because we have only begun our journey, here, I don't want to talk about age.
Just keep one thing in mind, if you can always be better than the one you were yesterday, you are sure to become a professional.
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