Insert a scratch project into a ppt (MSPowerPoinT file)在powerpoint中播放Scratch动画

Contributed by liu peng, March 01, 2012

A super simple way to insert a sb to a ppt,as follows: 超级简单的实现Scratch的sb文件在ppt中播放,具体操作如下:
  • Original Author: liupengty
  • Education Level: Professional Development
  • Content Types: Tool
  • Curricular Areas: Teacher Education
  • Keywords: ppt powerpoint c sb scratch embed

Play scratch animation by Macro PowerPoinT(20120301)   ( 在ppt中播放scratch动画(20120301))

1、Download and Iamabing.htm(optional) (下载Iamabing.sb和Iamabing.htm(可选))

2、Download sb2html.exe(下载sb2html.exe)

3、Download scratch1.ppt(下载scratch.ppt)

4、Download scratchapplet.jar(下载scratchapplet.jar)


6、Please copy these files and your Scratch Project files to a forder.(把下载的文件和你要播放的SB文件复制到同一文件夹下)

7、Open Scratch.ppt with (在MS PowerPointT中打开scratch.ppt)

8、Input a filename of Scratch Project to the textbox , press Enter or click [Play a Scratch Appliction]button,OK.


1、macro level :  low ,宏安全级:低

2、activex   :yes,Activex:允许

3、If you have some question ,please email,如果有疑问,


1、sb2html.exe: autocreat a web page that  embeded  a  *.sb   file.


eg:suppose "c:\ppt" forder  ,include a file ""

例如:假设有“c:\ppt“文件夹 , 包含文件“”

command line "sb2html Iamabing 387 482"  will creat a webpage "Iamabing.htm"

命令行“sb2html Iamabing 387 482” 将创建一个名为“Iamabing.htm”的网页文件
            height :387    ,width:482

高:387  ,宽:482

2、VBA---WebBrowser : insert the  webpage into PPT


eg: WebBrowser1.Navigate2 (file://C:\ppt\IAMABING.HTM)) : view IAMABING.HTM

例如:WebBrowser1.Navigate2 (file://C:\ppt\IAMABING.HTM浏览IAMABING.HTM :

3. My OS is WIN7 我的操作系统是win7

Browser is IE8 浏览器是IE8

VB system is VB6.0 VB系统是VB6.0

PowerPoint is 2003

Can you run Scratch1.PPT or Scratch.ppt ?
if not , you can do it ,as follows:
1. unzip  to  c:\ppt 
scratch1.ppt                  ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. open the forder"c:\ppt" ,  double click"scratch1.ppt"
3. press F5 , then click "play a scratch application"button
3.按F5,然后单击 "play a scratch application"按钮

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