

 #include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <climits> using namespace std;
#define N 1005
#define M 505
#define MAXNODE 500100
const int INF = INT_MAX; struct DLX{
int n,m,size;
int col[MAXNODE] , row[MAXNODE] , first[M];
int cnt_col[N];
int ans; void init(int _n , int _m)
n=_n , m=_m , size = _m , ans=INF;
for(int i= ; i<=m ; i++){
U[i] = D[i] = i;
L[i] = i- , R[i] = i+;
L[] = m , R[m] = ;
for(int i= ; i<=n ; i++) first[i] = -;
for(int i= ; i<=m ; i++) cnt_col[i] = ;
} void link(int r , int c)
D[size] = D[c] , U[D[c]] = size;
U[size] = c , D[c] = size;
cnt_col[c]++; if(first[r]<){
first[r] = size;
L[size]= R[size] = size;
R[size] = R[first[r]] , L[R[first[r]]] = size;
L[size] = first[r] , R[first[r]] = size;
row[size]=r , col[size]=c;
} void Remove(int c)
L[R[c]] = L[c] , R[L[c]] = R[c];
for(int i=D[c] ; i!=c ; i=D[i]){
for(int j=R[i] ; j!=i ; j=R[j]){
D[U[j]] = D[j] , U[D[j]] = U[j];
} void Resume(int c)
for(int i=U[c] ; i!=c ; i=U[i]){
for(int j=L[i] ; j!=i ; j=L[j]){
U[D[j]] = D[U[j]] = j;
R[L[c]] = L[R[c]] = c;
} void Dance(int d)
if(d>=ans) return;
ans = min(ans , d);
int st = R[];
for(int i=st ; i!= ; i=R[i])
if(cnt_col[st]>cnt_col[i]) st = i; Remove(st);
for(int i=D[st] ; i!=st ; i=D[i]){
for(int j=R[i] ; j!=i ; j=R[j]) Remove(col[j]);
for(int j=L[i] ; j!=i ; j=L[j]) Resume(col[j]);
}dlx; int main()
// freopen("a.in" , "r" , stdin);
int T;
scanf("%d" , &T);
int n,m,p;
scanf("%d%d%d" , &n , &m , &p);
dlx.init(p , n*m);
for(int i= ; i<=p ; i++){
int x1,y1,x2,y2;
scanf("%d%d%d%d" , &x1 , &y1 , &x2 , &y2);
for(int j=x1+ ; j<=x2 ; j++){
for(int k=y1+ ; k<=y2 ; k++){
dlx.link(i , (k-)*n+j);
if(dlx.ans == INF) puts("-1");
else printf("%d\n" , dlx.ans);
return ;

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