ermissions on /usr/local/mongodb/conf/keyFile are too open

> rs.initiate(cfg);
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "replSetInitiate quorum check failed because not all proposed set members responded affirmatively: failed with Connection refused",
"code" : 74,
"codeName" : "NodeNotFound"


> rs.initiate(cfg);
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "replSetInitiate quorum check failed because not all proposed set members responded affirmatively: failed with not running with --replSet",
"code" : 74,
"codeName" : "NodeNotFound"


> rs.initiate(cfg);
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "replSetInitiate quorum check failed because not all proposed set members responded affirmatively: failed with not authorized on admin to execute command { replSetHeartbeat: \"myreplSet\", pv: 1, v: 1, from: \"\", fromId: 1, checkEmpty: true }",
"code" : 74,
"codeName" : "NodeNotFound"


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