How to resolve 'Potential Leak' issue
I am using the 'analyze' tool in xcode to check for potential leakages in my app. I am getting the following warning as a result. How do I resolve the potential leak shown above? "self.answerArray" is just an array I declared in my header file |
解决 :
You've called mutableCopy
on the array (which returns a new array with a retain count of +1 - You own it), and you assign it to a property (which I assume is a strong/retain property) and you're not releasing it. You're leaking the memory.
You should release tempArray
after assigning it to the property - and ensure the property is released in your class' dealloc
if (self.newsList) {
for (int count = 0; count < [ self.newsList count]; count ++) {
self.currentRecord = [ self.newsList objectAtIndex:count];
if ([[[self.currentRecord .personVOList objectForKey:@"pk"] stringValue] isEqualToString:((KidsAppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate]).currentKidPK]) {
NSMutableArray * localArray = [((KidsAppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate]).currentKidNewsList mutableCopy];
self.currentNewsList = localArray; //或者书写为
self.currentNewsList = [((KidsAppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate]).currentKidNewsList mutableCopy];
if (self.newsList) {
for (int count = 0; count < [ self.newsList count]; count ++) {
self.currentRecord = [ self.newsList objectAtIndex:count];
if ([[[self.currentRecord .personVOList objectForKey:@"pk"]
stringValue] isEqualToString:((KidsAppDelegate*)[[UIApplication
sharedApplication]delegate]).currentKidPK]) {
NSMutableArray * localArray = [((KidsAppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate]).currentKidNewsList mutableCopy];
self.currentNewsList = localArray; //或者书写为
[localArray release];或者
NSMutableArray * localArray = [[((KidsAppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate]).currentKidNewsList mutableCopy] autorelease];
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