



 #include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = ;
struct node
int l, r, c;
int Mid()
return (r + l) / ;
node tree[maxn*];
int cnt[maxn], temp; void Build (int root, int l, int r)
tree[root].l = l;
tree[root].r = r;
tree[root].c = -;
if (l == r - )
return ;
Build (*root+, l, tree[root].Mid());
Build (*root+, tree[root].Mid(), r);
void update (int root, int l, int r, int c)
if (l==tree[root].l && tree[root].r==r)
tree[root].c = c;
return ;
if (tree[root].c != -)
tree[*root+].c = tree[*root+].c = tree[root].c;
tree[root].c = -;
if (l >= tree[root].Mid())
update (*root+, l, r, c);
else if (r <= tree[root].Mid())
update (*root+, l, r, c);
update (*root+, l, tree[root].Mid(), c);
update (*root+, tree[root].Mid(), r, c);
void Count (int root)
if (tree[root].c != -)
if (tree[root].c != temp)//当前区间没有被统计过
cnt[tree[root].c] ++;
temp = tree[root].c;
return ;
if (tree[root].l == tree[root].r-)
temp = -;
return ;
Count (*root+);
Count (*root+);
} int main ()
int n, m;
while (scanf ("%d", &n) != EOF)
Build (, , maxn); while (n --)
int x, y, c;
scanf ("%d %d %d", &x, &y, &c);
update (, x, y, c);
temp = -;
memset (cnt, , sizeof(cnt));
for (int i=; i<maxn; i++)
if (cnt[i])
printf ("%d %d\n", i, cnt[i]);
printf ("\n");
return ;

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