哈哈:)我的codepen 的代码笔记是:http://codepen.io/shinewaker/pen/eBwPxJ


I mean, check it out this code :

<a href="#" id="link">Link</a>
<span>Moving</span> $('#link').click(function () {
$('#link').animate({ width: 200 }, 2000, function() {

as you can see in console, the "animate" function is Asynchronous, and it "fork" the flow of the event handler block code. In fact :

$('#link').click(function () {
}); function asyncFunct() {

follow the flow of the block code!

If I wish to create my function asyncFunct() { } with this behaviour, how can I do it with javascript/jquery? I think there is a strategy without use setTimeout() ​

You cannot make a truly custom asynchronous function. You'll eventually have to leverage on a technology provided natively, such as:

  • setInterval
  • setTimeout
  • requestAnimationFrame
  • XMLHttpRequest
  • WebSocket
  • Worker
  • Some HTML5 APIs such as the File API, Web Database API
  • Technologies that support onload
  • ... many others

In fact, for the animation jQuery uses setInterval.

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