
参考一下有用的文章:http://www.ericstockwell.com/?p=54       (强烈建议阅读此文章,别的先不用探讨了)

还有:http://superuser.com/questions/370953/how-to-not-allow-user-outside-of-home-directory-with-sftp (这是个人问的问题,他说的很通俗易懂,是我们想要的功能)


是经过这样一个过程来到的。user_a, user_b, 使他们只能访问/home/user_a, /home/user_b 的各自的目录下的内容,而不能访问其他的文件夹的内容。就是说没有root权限那样的,到处查看文件,/ 等是不允许的。

所以,最简单的办法是,要在ssh.conf里面更改一些东西。在ubutnu的衍生版里面,需要先下载sshd这个东西,现在都在用openssh, 不错的东西。用后台来启动ssh服务的。



1. 编辑/etc/ssh/sshd_config 文档

找到 Subsystem sftp 这一行,修改成

Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

再增加几行在/etc/ssh/sshd_config 的最下面

Match User user_a
ChrootDirectory %h
ForceCommand internal-sftp Match User user_b
ChrootDirectory %h
ForceCommand internal-sftp

上面的%h的意思是 当前用户的主目录。这里对user_a 的是 /home/user_a (这个在创建用户的时候有了解,具体请查看 man adduser, man usermod, chown, chmod 来操作一些用户, 文件权限 )

2. 比较重要的是用户权限问题,这个在下面的文章引用里面有介绍了。

3. 比较重要的都在下面,很详细,关于文件权限,上传,修改,删除,复写等操作,都可以这样做。跟本机差不多。所以非常方便的。





How to set up and chroot SFTP users with OpenSSH 5.1p1 in Ubuntu 8.10

(This is mostly an edited copy-and-paste from a forum post I wrote several months ago.)

I had been wanting to set up an encrypted-transaction FTP server for a while (SFTP) in a chrooted environment, so I did a few hours of half-baked-blog parsing and keyboard-pounding in order to figure this out in a way that would work consistently, even if it isn’t 100% efficient. Your noob-radar should be flashing right about now ;). Since version 4.8, openssh has had the ability to (fairly) easily chroot sftp users into a specified directory using a new sshd_config directive, ChrootDirectory. The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate how to set up a simple chrooted sftp system from square one implementing this self-contained chroot mechanism (using only openssh without the need for rssh), and how to add users under this paradigm.

(1) Installation and initial configuration

It is possible that ssh is not installed, so:

$ sudo apt-get install ssh

We need to configure the sftp subsystem to use the internal sftp module. Open


in a text editor (you will probably have to use “sudo”), and find the line that starts with “Subsystem sftp”. Comment out (or delete) this line, and replace it with:

Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

Save and exit your editor.

(2) User Setup

This section should be repeated for each user to whom you grant sftp-only access.

Because sftp (as included with openssh) wraps around ssh, your users are going to need system accounts. Let’s prepare a user named “johndoe” (replace “johndoe” with whatever new user account you wish). The user “johndoe” should, in this case, only be able to log in using sftp (as opposed to ssh) once we’re done.

$ sudo mkdir /home/johndoe
$ sudo useradd johndoe

We’ll have to set their home directory permissions appropriately. It’s important that root owns this and that its group ID is identical to the username, and that the permissions are set so that only root can write:

$ sudo chown root:johndoe /home/johndoe
$ sudo chmod 755 /home/johndoe

Force the normal login directory just in case:

$ sudo usermod -d /home/johndoe johndoe

Now give him a password:

$ sudo passwd johndoe

Set the new user a dummy shell (so they don’t have real shell access).

$ sudo usermod -s /bin/false johndoe

Now we need to indicate that this particular user must be jailed into their home directory. Once again, open /etc/ssh/sshd_config in a text editor, and add the following at the end of the file:

Match User johndoe
ChrootDirectory /home/johndoe
ForceCommand internal-sftp

Now, user johndoe should have read access to his home directory. Let’s give him a place to upload stuff:

$ sudo mkdir /home/johndoe/upload
$ sudo chown johndoe:johndoe /home/johndoe/upload
$ sudo chmod 755 /home/johndoe/upload

Done! Restart the ssh daemon (run this any time you want changes to become effective):

sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart

(3) Giving SFTP users read access to some other directory

As an interesting aside, let’s say you (the sysadmin) have a common info/media/data directory you wish to share with your sftp users without actually copying all that data over (or allowing it to be edited/deleted/corrupted). We can do this by mounting it read-only somewhere in their login directory. They’re going to need a place to get to it:

$ sudo mkdir /home/johndoe/readonly

Now we mount our directory of choice (in this example, /home/sysadmin/junk/shared-data) as read-only in said folder:

$ sudo mount -r --bind /home/sysadmin/junk/shared-data /home/johndoe/readonly

It will probably help to have this happen automatically on startup. Anything added to rc.local will run as root at startup, so there is no need to indicate ’sudo’. If you have multiple users (or even just one) it helps to add something like this to /etc/rc.local (before the “exit 0″ line of course):

for user in johndoe marysue someguy
mount -r --bind /home/sysadmin/junk/shared-data /home/$user/readonly

Note: You cannot mount more than one folder/device/partition/netshare in a particular location. Doing so won’t damage anything, but the mount point will only display the object mounted last in sequence. There are other constraints which you may discover, but those are beyond the scope of this guide (and they make me drink).


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