2017-1-15-libubox analysis




  1. /* 

  2. *  

  3. * calloc_a(size_t len, [void **addr, size_t len,...], NULL) 

  4. * 申请一个足够大内存块来保存多个对齐的对象。 

  5. * 返回一个指针,指针指向全部对象(以第一个块开始)注意:释放这个指针将释放所有全部对象的内存 

  6. * 所有其它指针被保存在额外的addr参数指向的位置。 

  7. * 最后一个参数必须是NULL指针 

  8. */ 

  9. #define calloc_a(len, ...) __calloc_a(len, ##__VA_ARGS__, NULL) 

  10. void *__calloc_a(size_t len, ...); 


  1. #include <string.h> 

  2. #include <libubox/utils.h> 

  3. struct sleeper { 

  4. int aa; 

  5. int bb; 

  6. }; 

  7. #define NAME_LEN 32 

  8. int main(int argc, char **argv) 

  9. struct sleeper *s; 

  10. char *name; 

  11. int *a1; 

  12. s = (struct sleeper *)calloc_a(sizeof(*s), &name, NAME_LEN, &a1, sizeof(*a1)); 

  13. s->aa = 0x10101010; 

  14. s->bb = 0x20202020; 


  16. name[NAME_LEN-1] = '\0'; 

  17. *a1 = 0xaaaaaaaa; 

  18. free(s); 

  19. return 0; 

  20. (gdb) x/20x s 

  21. 0x602010: 0x10101010 0x20202020 0x53535353 0x53535353 

  22. 0x602020: 0x53535353 0x53535353 0x53535353 0x53535353 

  23. 0x602030: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0xaaaaaaaa 0x00000000 

  1. /* 

  2. * 计算数组大小 

  3. */ 

  4. #ifndef ARRAY_SIZE 

  5. #define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof((arr)[0])) 

  6. #endif 

  1. /* 

  2. * BUILD_BUG_ON基于一个GCC不支持负数数组,在编译时报错 

  3. * 但是4.4后GCC支持变长数组,不会引起编译器报错。 

  4. * 加入GCC优化选项后,编译时不会错,但是链接时会有找不到符号__BUILD_BUG_ON_CONDITION_FAILED的错误 

  5. */ 

  6. #define __BUILD_BUG_ON(condition) ((void)sizeof(char[1 - 2*!!(condition)])) 

  7. #ifdef __OPTIMIZE__ 


  9. #define BUILD_BUG_ON(condition) \ 

  10. do { \ 

  11. __BUILD_BUG_ON(condition); \ 

  12. if (condition) \ 


  14. } while(0) 

  15. #else 

  16. #define BUILD_BUG_ON __BUILD_BUG_ON 

  17. #endif 


  1. /* Force a compilation error if condition is true */ 

  2. -#define BUILD_BUG_ON(condition) ((void)sizeof(char[1 - 2*!!(condition)])) 

  3. +#define BUILD_BUG_ON(condition) ((void)BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO(condition)) 

  4. +/* Force a compilation error if condition is constant and true */ 

  5. +#define MAYBE_BUILD_BUG_ON(cond) ((void)sizeof(char[1 - 2 * !!(cond)])) 

  6. /* Force a compilation error if condition is true, but also produce a 

  7. result (of value 0 and type size_t), so the expression can be used 

  8. e.g. in a structure initializer (or where-ever else comma expressions 

  9. aren't permitted). */ 

  10. -#define BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO(e) (sizeof(char[1 - 2 * !!(e)]) - 1) 

  11. +#define BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO(e) (sizeof(struct { int:-!!(e); })) 

  12. +#define BUILD_BUG_ON_NULL(e) ((void *)sizeof(struct { int:-!!(e); })) 

  1. /* 

  2. */ 

  3. #ifdef __APPLE__ 

  4. #define CLOCK_REALTIME 0 

  5. #define CLOCK_MONOTONIC 1 

  6. void clock_gettime(int type, struct timespec *tv); 

  7. #endif 

  1. #ifdef __GNUC__ 

  2. #define _GNUC_MIN_VER(maj, min) (((__GNUC__ << 8) + __GNUC_MINOR__) >= (((maj) << 8) + (min))) 

  3. #else 

  4. #define _GNUC_MIN_VER(maj, min) 0 

  5. #endif 

  6. #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__CYGWIN__) 

  7. #include <byteswap.h> 

  8. #include <endian.h> 

  9. #elif defined(__APPLE__) 

  10. #include <machine/endian.h> 

  11. #include <machine/byte_order.h> 

  12. #define bswap_32(x) OSSwapInt32(x) 

  13. #define bswap_64(x) OSSwapInt64(x) 

  14. #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) 

  15. #include <sys/endian.h> 

  16. #define bswap_32(x) bswap32(x) 

  17. #define bswap_64(x) bswap64(x) 

  18. #else 

  19. #include <machine/endian.h> 

  20. #define bswap_32(x) swap32(x) 

  21. #define bswap_64(x) swap64(x) 

  22. #endif 

  23. #ifndef __BYTE_ORDER 

  24. #define __BYTE_ORDER BYTE_ORDER 

  25. #endif 

  26. #ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN 

  27. #define __BIG_ENDIAN BIG_ENDIAN 

  28. #endif 

  29. #ifndef __LITTLE_ENDIAN 


  31. #endif 

  32. #define __u_bswap16(x) ({ uint16_t val = (x); ((uint16_t)(((val >> 8) & 0xffu) | ((val & 0xffu) << 8))); }) 

  33. #if _GNUC_MIN_VER(4, 2) 

  34. #define __u_bswap32(x) __builtin_bswap32(x) 

  35. #define __u_bswap64(x) __builtin_bswap64(x) 

  36. #else 

  37. #define __u_bswap32(x) bswap_32(x) 

  38. #define __u_bswap64(x) bswap_64(x) 

  39. #endif 

  40. #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN 

  41. #define cpu_to_be64(x) __u_bswap64(x) 

  42. #define cpu_to_be32(x) __u_bswap32(x) 

  43. #define cpu_to_be16(x) __u_bswap16((uint16_t) (x)) 

  44. #define be64_to_cpu(x) __u_bswap64(x) 

  45. #define be32_to_cpu(x) __u_bswap32(x) 

  46. #define be16_to_cpu(x) __u_bswap16((uint16_t) (x)) 

  47. #define cpu_to_le64(x) (x) 

  48. #define cpu_to_le32(x) (x) 

  49. #define cpu_to_le16(x) (x) 

  50. #define le64_to_cpu(x) (x) 

  51. #define le32_to_cpu(x) (x) 

  52. #define le16_to_cpu(x) (x) 

  53. #else /* __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN */ 

  54. #define cpu_to_le64(x) __u_bswap64(x) 

  55. #define cpu_to_le32(x) __u_bswap32(x) 

  56. #define cpu_to_le16(x) __u_bswap16((uint16_t) (x)) 

  57. #define le64_to_cpu(x) __u_bswap64(x) 

  58. #define le32_to_cpu(x) __u_bswap32(x) 

  59. #define le16_to_cpu(x) __u_bswap16((uint16_t) (x)) 

  60. #define cpu_to_be64(x) (x) 

  61. #define cpu_to_be32(x) (x) 

  62. #define cpu_to_be16(x) (x) 

  63. #define be64_to_cpu(x) (x) 

  64. #define be32_to_cpu(x) (x) 

  65. #define be16_to_cpu(x) (x) 

  66. #endif 

  67. #ifndef __packed 

  68. #define __packed __attribute__((packed)) 

  69. #endif 

  70. #ifndef BITS_PER_LONG 

  71. #define BITS_PER_LONG (8 * sizeof(unsigned long)) 

  72. #endif 

  73. static inline void bitfield_set(unsigned long *bits, int bit) 

  74. bits[bit / BITS_PER_LONG] |= (1UL << (bit % BITS_PER_LONG)); 

  75. static inline bool bitfield_test(unsigned long *bits, int bit) 

  76. return !!(bits[bit / BITS_PER_LONG] & (1UL << (bit % BITS_PER_LONG))); 

  77. #endif 


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