FTP 7.5 自定义扩展功能
@import url(http://i.cnblogs.com/Load.ashx?type=style&file=SyntaxHighlighter.css);@import url(/css/cuteeditor.css);
参考: http://gzzhang.blog.51cto.com/5312382/1125092
目前知道的自定义接口共三个 自定义校验, 自定义主目录,自定义日志
分别是 Microsoft.Web.FtpServer的
1. 首先创建 C#类库 (要选择 2.0 / 3.5 框架) ,有说 .NET 4.0不支持 ,但是这个没做验证,需要后期继续测试
2. 然后增加生成事件 后期处理 VS2012版本:
3. 添加签名(无密码)
4. 代码
namespace FtpHomeDirectory { public class FtpHomeDirDemo : BaseProvider, IFtpHomeDirectoryProvider { string IFtpHomeDirectoryProvider.GetUserHomeDirectoryData( string sessionId, string siteName, string userName) { // Note: You would add your own custom logic here. // Return the user's home directory based on their user name. string homedir = @"D:\Ftptest\" + userName; VASLog.WriteLog_day(@"d:\Ftptest", "ftplog", "siteName: " + siteName + " 用户想要得到的目录是:"+homedir+" ;"); return homedir; } }
namespace FtpAuthenticationDemo { public class FtpAuthDemo : BaseProvider, IFtpAuthenticationProvider, IFtpRoleProvider { //void IFtpLogProvider.Log(FtpLogEntry loggingParameters) //{ // // Note: You would add your own custom logic here. // // Open the log file for output. // using (StreamWriter sw = // new StreamWriter(@"C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\FTPSVC8\myftplog.log", true)) // { // // Retrieve the current date and time for the log entry. // DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; // // Retrieve the user name. // string un = loggingParameters.UserName; // // Write the log entry to the log file. // sw.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}", // dt.ToShortDateString(), // dt.ToLongTimeString(), // loggingParameters.RemoteIPAddress, // (un.Length == 0) ? "-" : un, // loggingParameters.Command, // loggingParameters.SessionId); // } //} bool IFtpAuthenticationProvider.AuthenticateUser( string sessionId, string siteName, string userName, string userPassword, out string canonicalUserName) { // Note: You would add your own custom logic here. canonicalUserName = userName; //string strUserName = "test"; //string strPassword = "123"; VASLog.WriteLog_day(@"d:\Ftptest", "ftplog", canonicalUserName + " siteName: " +siteName +" 校验总是可以成功的;"); return true; // Verify that the user name and password are valid. // Note: In this example, the user name is case-insensitive // and the password is case-sensitive. //if (((userName.Equals(strUserName, // StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == true) && // userPassword == strPassword) //{ // return true; //} //else //{ // return true; //} } bool IFtpRoleProvider.IsUserInRole( string sessionId, string siteName, string userName, string userRole) { // Note: You would add your own custom logic here. string strUserName = "MyUser"; string strRoleName = "MyRole"; //VASLog.WriteLog_day(@"d:\Ftptest", "ftplog", "IsUserInRole"); return true; // Verify that the user name and role name are valid. // Note: In this example, both the user name and // the role name are case-insensitive. if (((userName.Equals(strUserName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == true) && ((userRole.Equals(strRoleName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == true)) { return true; } else { return false; } } //string IFtpHomeDirectoryProvider.GetUserHomeDirectoryData( // string sessionId, // string siteName, // string userName) //{ // VASLog.WriteLog_day(@"d:\Ftptest", "ftplog", "GetUserHomeDirectoryData"); // // Note: You would add your own custom logic here. // // Return the user's home directory based on their user name. // return @"d:\FtpTest\" + userName; //} }
1. 在IIS的根基目录中,配置 FTP身份验证,禁用其他选项,在右侧自定义提供程序中,注册刚才的DLL,
2. FTP规则里,允许所有账户
3. 同样的注册主目录DLL
4. 跟密码验证不同,主目录的DLL,还需要设置两个地方
cd %systemroot%/system32/Inetsrv/
AppCmd set site "YourFTP" /+ftpServer.customFeatures.providers.[name='FtpHomeDirectoryDemo',enabled='true']
AppCmd set site "YourFTP" /ftpServer.userIsolation.mode:Custom
注意: 第一个appcmd 里面的 name = ftphomedirectorydemo 这个name,是在上面注册在IIS里的名称,跟DLL的空间类名没关系,一定要注意
5. 在FTP用户隔离里,选择 下面的 用户名目录(禁用全局虚拟目录) ,这个用不用,还不知道,有待测试! 原理上考虑,这个其实没作用了,毕竟主目录在DLL里,已经可以定义了
这里应该在FTP用户隔离 属性设置中,改成自定义(简单测试了下,好像是这样)
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