
Custom Modules
Until now we have been working solely with the tools provided to us by Ansible.
This does afford us a lot of power, and make many things possible. However, if you
have something particularly complex or if you find yourself using the script module
a lot, you will probably want to learn how to extend Ansible.
In this chapter you will learn the following topics:
• How to write modules in Bash scripting or Python
• Using custom modules that you have developed
• Writing a script to use an external data source as an inventory
Often when you approach something complex in Ansible, you write a script module.
The issue with script modules is that you can't process their output, or trigger
handlers based on their output easily. So, although the script module works in some
cases, using a module can be better.
Use a module instead of writing a script when:
• You don't want to run the script every single time
• You need to process the output
• Your script needs to make facts
• You need to send complex variables as arguments

第五章 自己定义模块


  • 在python或则bash中编写模块
  • 使用你开发的自己定义模块
  • 写一个脚本来利用外部数据源作为设备清单库inventory



  • 不要在每次执行的时候都用脚本
  • 当须要使用输出结果的时候
  • 你的脚本须要fact的时候
  • 当须要传递过于复杂的变量作为參数的时候

If you want to start writing modules, you should check ( )out the Ansible repository.
If you want your module to work with a particular version, you should also switch
to that version to ensure compatibility. The following commands will set you up to
develop modules for Ansible 1.3.0. Checking out the Ansible code gives you access
to a handy script that we will use later to test our modules. We will also make this
script executable in anticipation of its use later in the chapter.
$ git clone (https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git)
$ cd ansible
$ git checkout v1.3.0
$ chmod +x hacking/test-module




$ git clone (https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git)

$ cd ansible

$ git checkout v1.3.0

$ chmod +x hacking/test-module

Writing a module in Bash
Ansible allows you to write modules in any language that you prefer. Although
most modules in Ansible work with JSON, you are allowed to use shortcuts if you
don't have any JSON parsing facilities available. Ansible will hand you arguments
in their original key value forms, if they were provided in that format. If complex
arguments are provided, you will receive JSON-encoded data. You could parse this
using something like jsawk ( https://github.com/micha/jsawk ) or jq ( http://
stedolan.github.io/jq/ ), but only if they are installed on your remote machine. Ansible doesn't yet have a module that lets you change the hostname of a system
with the hostname command. So let's write one. We will start just printing the
current hostname and then expand the script from there. Here is what that simple
module looks like:
echo "hostname=${HOSTNAME}"



假设你的參数格式是KEY VALUS形式,Ansible能够处理他们。假设是更加复杂的參数,你会受到JSON编码的数据,你能够使用JSAWK或则JQ来解析。但你要确保你的远程受管主机也安装了他们。




echo "hostname=${HOSTNAME}"

If you have written Bash scripts before, this should seem extremely basic. Essentially
what we are doing is grabbing the hostname and printing it out in a key value form.
Now that we have written the first cut of the module, we should test it out.
To test the Ansible modules, we use the script that we ran the chmod command on
earlier. This command simply runs your module, records the output, and returns
it to you. It also shows how Ansible interpreted the output of the module. The
command that we will use looks like the following:
ansible/hacking/test-module -m ./hostname

假设你之前有写过bash脚本。你会发现这是非常基础的。我们仅仅是获取主机名然后用KEY VALUS的格式打印出来而已。




ansible/hacking/test-module -m ./hostname

The output of the previous command should look like this:
* module boilerplate substitution not requested in module, line
numbers will be unaltered
"hostname": "admin01.int.example.com"
Ignore the notice at the top, it does not apply to modules built with bash. You can see
the raw output that our script sent, which looks exactly the way we expected. The
test script also gives you the parsed output. In our example, we are using the short
output format and we can see here that Ansible is correctly interpreting it into the
JSON that it normally accepts from modules.


* module boilerplate substitution not requested in module, line

numbers will be unaltered







"hostname": "admin01.int.example.com"


忽略顶部的提示,能够看到我们写的脚本的raw 输出。跟我们估计的一样。


Let's expand out the module to allow setting the hostname . We should write it so
that it doesn't make any changes unless it is required, and lets Ansible know whether
changes were made or not. This is actually pretty simple for the small command that
we are writing. The new script should look something like this:
set -e
# This is potentially dangerous
source ${1}
if [ ! -z "$hostname" -a "${hostname}x" != "${OLDHOSTNAME}x" ];
hostname $hostname
echo "hostname=${OLDHOSTNAME} changed=${CHANGED}"
exit 0



set -e

# This is potentially dangerous

source ${1}



if [ ! -z "$hostname" -a "${hostname}x" != "${OLDHOSTNAME}x" ];


hostname $hostname




echo "hostname=${OLDHOSTNAME} changed=${CHANGED}"

exit 0

The previous script works like this:
1. We set Bash's exit on error mode, so that we don't have to deal with errors
from hostname. Bash will automatically exit on failure with its exit code. This
will signal Ansible that something went wrong.
2. We source the argument file. This file is passed from Ansible as the first
argument to the script. It contains the arguments that were sent to our
module. Because we are sourcing the file, this could be used to run arbitrary
commands; however, Ansible can already do this, so it's not that much of a
security issue.
3. We collect the old hostname and default CHANGED to False . This allows us to
see if our module needs to perform any changes.
4. We check if we were sent a new hostname to set, and check if that hostname
is different from the one that is currently set.
5. If both those tests are true, we try to change the hostname, and set CHANGED
to True .
6. Finally, we output the results and exit. This includes the current hostname
and whether we made changes or not.


  1. 我们设定bash在遇到错误的时候退出,所以我们不想要处理来至hostname的错误。bash会自己主动退出,并输出退出代码,能够让Ansible知道错误发生了。
  2. 我们source參数文件。它作为这个脚本的第一个參数,我们能够用其它的命令来source。可是既然Ansible能够做到,就能够为我们降低很多安全隐患。
  3. 我们获取原来的hostname并设置CHANGED为faulse,这能够让我们的模块决定是否须要运行更改操作
  4. 我们检查是否有新的hostname被设置。而且和旧的hostname不一样
  5. 假设2个条件(changed參数和hostname是否反复)都为真,就设置CHANGED參数为True
  6. 最后输出结果,然后退出。


Changing the hostname on a Unix machine requires root privileges. So while testing
this script, you need to make sure to run it as the root user. Let's test this script using
sudo to see if it works. This is the command you will use:
sudo ansible/hacking/test-module -m ./hostname -a
If test.example.com is not the current hostname of the machine, you should get the
following as the output:
* module boilerplate substitution not requested in module, line
numbers will be unaltered
hostname=test.example.com changed=True
"changed": true,
"hostname": "test.example.com"


sudo ansible/hacking/test-module -m ./hostname -a  'hostname=test.example.com'


* module boilerplate substitution not requested in module, line

numbers will be unaltered



hostname=test.example.com changed=True




"changed": true,

"hostname": "test.example.com"


As you can see, our output is being parsed correctly, and the module claims that
changes have been made to the system. You can check this yourself with the
hostname command. Now, run the module for the second time with the same
hostname. You should see an output that looks like this:
* module boilerplate substitution not requested in module, line
numbers will be unaltered
hostname=test.example.com changed=False
"changed": false,
"hostname": "test.example.com"
Again, we see that the output was parsed correctly. This time, however, the module
claims to not have made any changes, which is what we expect. You can also check
this with the hostname command.



* module boilerplate substitution not requested in module, line

numbers will be unaltered



hostname=test.example.com changed=False




"changed": false,

"hostname": "test.example.com"



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