或手动集群重启单个节点srvctl relocate scan_listener后。群集网络段ping IP,VIP。SCAN IP正常。其他段ping SCAN IP 不通。其原因是,该路由ARP表中没有的新的服务员SCAN IP。需要手动更新。

 /sbin/arping -U -c 3 -I <public NIC for vip> <vip ip address> 

my oracle support说明例如以下:

Bug 13440962  Different subnet failed to connect to vip after restart vip

This note gives a brief overview of bug 13440962. 

 The content was last updated on: 01-FEB-2012

 Click here for details of
each of the sections below.


Product (Component) Oracle Server (PCW)
Range of versions believed to be affected Versions >= but BELOW 12.1
Versions confirmed as being affected
Platforms affected Generic (all / most platforms affected)

It is believed to be a 

id=245840.1#TAGS_REGRESSION" style="word-wrap:break-word; text-decoration:none; color:rgb(86,86,86)">regression in default behaviour

   Regression introduced in


This issue is fixed in


Related To:

  • (None Specified)


This is a regression fix for problem introduced by patch 11069846.
The change in this patch (patch 13440962) fixes a problem with 4 extra
bytes in the GARP message and removes an extra unicast GARP packet to
the router. Rediscovery Notes:
After upgrading to, after vip failover, the ip address is
not pingable from a different subnet on Linux.
(This problem is seen only on Linux) Workaround
After vip failover, run command
/sbin/arping -U -c 3 -I <public NIC for vip> <vip ip address>
to update the ARP table of router.
Please note: The above is a summary description only. Actual symptoms can vary. Matching to any symptoms here does not confirm that you are encountering this
problem. For questions about this bug please consult Oracle Support.


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