2018HDU多校训练-3-Problem G. Interstellar Travel
Little Q knows the position of n
planets in space, labeled by 1
to n
. To his surprise, these planets are all coplanar. So to simplify, Little Q put these n
planets on a plane coordinate system, and calculated the coordinate of each planet (xi
Little Q plans to start his journey at the 1
-th planet, and end at the n
-th planet. When he is at the i
-th planet, he can next fly to the j
-th planet only if xi
, which will cost his spaceship xi
units of energy. Note that this cost can be negative, it means the flight will supply his spaceship.
Please write a program to help Little Q find the best route with minimum total cost.
, denoting the number of test cases.
In each test case, there is an integer n(2≤n≤200000)
in the first line, denoting the number of planets.
For the next n
lines, each line contains 2
integers xi
, denoting the coordinate of the i
-th planet. Note that different planets may have the same coordinate because they are too close to each other. It is guaranteed that y1
, denoting the route you chosen is p1
. Obviously p1
should be 1
and pm
should be n
. You should choose the route with minimum total cost. If there are multiple best routes, please choose the one with the smallest lexicographically.
A sequence of integers a
is lexicographically smaller than a sequence of b
if there exists such index j
that ai
for all i<j
, but aj
0 0
3 0
4 0
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const int maxn=2e5+10;
LL vis[maxn],T,n;
LL num[maxn];
struct Point{
LL x,y;
LL id;
Point(double xx=0,double yy=0) : x(xx),y(yy) {}
} p[maxn],ch[maxn];
typedef Point Vector;
Vector operator + (Vector a,Vector b) { return Vector(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y); }
Vector operator - (Vector a,Vector b) { return Vector(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y); }
Vector operator * (Vector a,Vector b) { return Vector(a.x*b.x,a.y*b.y); }
Vector operator / (Vector a,Vector b) { return Vector(a.x/b.x,a.y/b.y); }
bool operator < (const Point &a,const Point &b){ return a.x==b.x? (a.y==b.y? a.id<b.id : a.y>b.y) : a.x<b.x ; }
LL Cross(Vector a,Vector b) { return a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x; } void ConvexHull()
LL m=0; memset(vis,0,sizeof vis);
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
if(i>1 && p[i].x == p[i-1].x) continue;
while(m>1 && Cross(ch[m]-ch[m-1],p[i]-ch[m])>0) m--;
} vis[1]=vis[m]=1;
for(int i=2;i<m;i++)
if(Cross(ch[i+1]-ch[i],ch[i]-ch[i-1])!=0) vis[i]=1;
for(int i=m;i>0;i--)
if(vis[i]) num[i]=ch[i].id;
else num[i]=min(num[i+1],ch[i].id);
for(int i=1;i<m;i++)
if(num[i]==ch[i].id) printf("%lld ",num[i]);
} int main()
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%lld%lld",&p[i].x,&p[i].y),p[i].id=i;
return 0;
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