Data Guard:Oracle 12c –新增和更新的功能 (Doc ID 1558256.1)
Data Guard: Oracle 12c – New and updated Features (Doc ID 1558256.1)
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 12.1]
Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Machine - Version N/A and later
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Backup Service - Version N/A and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 13-Jul-2015***
This Note provides an Overview on all Data Guard-related New Features of the Oracle Database 12c 本说明概述了Oracle Database 12c的所有与Data Guard相关的新功能
New Standby Database Type ‘Far Sync Standby Database’: 新的备用数据库类型‘Far Sync Standby Database’:
This is a local ArchiveLog Repository (near the Primary Database) which is able to send Redo to a remote (far away) Standby Database. The remote Standby Database is a cascaded Standby of the Primary Database via the Far Sync Standby. So it is possible to serve a remote Standby Database with a higher Protection Mode even if the Network does not have full Performance. You can find further Details about Far Sync Standby here:
Note 1565071.1: Data Guard 12c New Feature: Far Sync Standby
Creating a Physical Standby from Primary on Version 12c (Doc ID 1570958.1)
Oracle® Data Guard, Concepts and Administration, 12c Release 1 (12.1)
Chapter 5: Far Sync
New Options for Cascaded Standby Databases 级联备用数据库的新选项
It is now possible to cascade a Standby Database in Real-Time, ie. the first Standby Database can send Redo from the Standby RedoLogs to the cascaded Standby Database. The Data Guard Broker now supports Cascaded Standby Databases, too.
现在可以实时级联备用数据库。第一个备用数据库可以将重做从备用重做日志发送到级联的备用数据库。Data Guard Broker现在也支持级联备用数据库。
Note 1542969.1: Cascaded Standby Databases in Oracle 12c
Automated Rolling Upgrades using DBMS_ROLLING-Package 使用 DBMS_ROLLING-Package 的自动滚动升级
Parts of a Rolling Upgrade can now be automated using a new Package called ‘DBMS_ROLLING’. 现在,可以使用名为“ DBMS_ROLLING”的新程序包来自动进行部分滚动升级
The Data Guard Broker support Rolling Upgrades, too. Data Guard Broker也支持滚动升级
Oracle® Data Guard, Concepts and Administration, 12c Release 1 (12.1)
Chapter 14: Using DBMS_ROLLING to Perform a Rolling Upgrade
SYSDG Administration Privilege SYSDG管理特权
It is possible to grant the SYSDG-Privilege to a User in order to perform Data Guard-related Operations. The full SYSDBA-Privilege is not required any more to manage a Data Guard Environment, but can still be used, of course.
可以向用户授予SYSDG特权,以便执行与Data Guard相关的操作。管理Data Guard环境不再需要完整的SYSDBA-Privilege,但是仍然可以使用它
Note 1543327.1: Data Guard Security Enhancement – SYSDG Administration Privilege
Online Movement of Online Datafiles 在线数据文件的在线移动
You can now move Online Datafile without haveg to stop Managed Recovery and manually copy and rename Files. This can even be used to move Datafiles from or to ASM
现在,您可以移动Online Datafile而不用停止停止Managed Recovery并手动复制和重命名Files。这甚至可以用于将数据文件从ASM移入或移到ASM
Note 1543367.1: Moving a Datafile to a different Location on a Physical Standby Database
Multitenant Database Support 多租户数据库支持
Data Guard supports Physical Standby Database for a Multitenant Database Data Guard支持多租户数据库的物理备用数据库
Creating a Physical Standby from Primary on Version 12c (Doc ID 1570958.1)
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