
Part 1: Using Github Pages and Hexo to manage personal blogs.


Hexo Tutorial

Github recommends us to use Jekyll to manage static pages, which is based on Ruby and is difficult for us to install and configure. So we use Hexo instead. Hexo is a static blog framework similar to Jekyll ,which is based on Node.js and easier for use to use.

use Github to create repo

  1. create a new repo in github, name by username.github.io: kezunlin.github.io

  2. Setting | Automatic Page Generator, choose a theame and deploy.

install by apt-get

sudo apt-get -y install nodejs
sudo apt-get -y install nodejs-legacy
sudo apt-get -y install npm
node -v
npm -v

install nodejs from source

# download and compile
wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v8.9.3/node-v8.9.3.tar.gz
tar xzvf node-v8.9.3.tar.gz
cd node-v8.9.3
make -j8
sudo make install # link to /usr/bin
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/node /usr/bin/node
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/npm /usr/bin/npm # check version
node -v
npm -v

test node

cat hello.js
console.log('Hello World'); node hello.js
Hello World

install hexo

# install hexo globally
sudo npm install hexo-cli -g
#sudo npm install hexo --save # use cnpm from taobao instead of offical npm, which is slow for chinese users.
sudo npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org

use cnpm instead of npm (optional)

# cnpm install
sudo cnpm install hexo-cli -g # check version
hexo -v

create hexo site

cd workspace
mkdir blog
cd blog hexo init
#npm install
hexo generate
hexo server

now we can visit localhost:4000 and create posts.

deploy to github

vim blog/_config.yml

type: git
repo: git@github.com:kezunlin/kezunlin.github.io.git
branch: master

generate ssh-key and copy to github

# generate ssh-key
cd ~
cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub # copy content to github
# https://github.com/settings/keys # install plungin and deploy to github
npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
hexo deploy

now we can visit https://kezunlin.github.io/

add README and skip render

  1. add README.md to source folder

  2. edit blog/_config.yml to skip render README.md

    - README.md

use hexo generate to copy README.md from source/ to public/

new post and deploy again

hexo new 'first post'
vim source/_posts/first-post.md hexo generate
hexo server
hexo deploy

now we can visit https://kezunlin.github.io/ and see our first post.


Hexo commands

Hexo common commands:

hexo new "postName"       #new post
hexo new page "pageName" #new page
hexo generate #generate static files to public/
hexo server #start server on localhost:4000
hexo deploy #push .deploy_git/ to GitHub
hexo clean #clean files

Hexo short commands:

hexo n == hexo new
hexo g == hexo generate
hexo s == hexo server
hexo d == hexo deploy

Hexo composite commands:

hexo server -g
hexo deploy -g

Post content

header template

title: Using Github Pages and Hexo to manage personal blogs
date: 2017-12-26 17:28:10
categories: tutorial
- github pages
- hexo
- nodejs
- npm

more to control web display

Use static blog framework Hexo to manage site

Use next theme

cd blog
git clone https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next themes/next

vim blog/_config.yml

    #theme: landscape
theme: next


edit blog\themes\next\_config.yml

    avatar: /images/avatar.jpg


install plugin by

npm install <plugin-name> --save

hexo admin

cnpm install --save hexo-admin

now we can visit http://localhost:4000/admin/

git deployer

npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
hexo deploy

rss feed

npm install hexo-generator-feed --save

# visit http://localhost:4000/atom.xml


npm install hexo-generator-sitemap --save

vim blog/_config.yml

path: sitemap.xml

now we can visit http://localhost:4000/sitemap.xml

baidu sitemap

npm install hexo-generator-baidu-sitemap --save

vim blog/_config.yml

path: baidusitemap.xml

now we can visit http://localhost:4000/baidusitemap.xml

perment link

cnpm install hexo-abbrlink --save

edit blog\_config.yml

    permalink: post/:abbrlink/
alg: crc32 # crc16(default) and crc32
rep: hex # dec(default) and hex

will fill abbrlink in your post.md

title: Hello World
- tutorial
- hexo
abbrlink: 4a17b156
date: 2017-12-26 17:20:10


npm install hexo-generator-index --save
npm install hexo-generator-archive --save
npm install hexo-generator-category --save
npm install hexo-generator-tag --save

tags list page

hexo new page "tags"
# generate source/tags/index.md

edit source/tags/index.md

title: tags
date: 2017-12-27 15:46:09
type: "tags"

now we can visit http://localhost:4000/tags/

categories list page

hexo new page "categories"
# generate source/categories/index.md

edit source/categories/index.md

title: categories
date: 2017-12-27 15:46:03
type: "categories"

now we can visit http://localhost:4000/categories/

local search

install search plugin

cnpm install hexo-generator-search --save
cnpm install hexo-generator-searchdb --save

edit themes\next\_config.yml

enable: true # create a new 'Search' button next to 'Archives'
# if auto, trigger search by changing input
# if manual, trigger search by pressing enter key or search button
trigger: auto
# show top n results per article, show all results by setting to -1
top_n_per_article: 1 edit `_config.yml` search:
path: search.xml
field: post
format: html
limit: 10000



cnpm install hexo-deployer-git --save

cnpm install hexo-generator-feed --save

cnpm install hexo-generator-sitemap --save
cnpm install hexo-generator-baidu-sitemap --save cnpm install hexo-generator-index --save
cnpm install hexo-generator-archive --save
cnpm install hexo-generator-category --save
cnpm install hexo-generator-tag --save cnpm install hexo-generator-search --save
cnpm install hexo-generator-searchdb --save

Upload images to cnblog

  1. install img-uploader chrome extension by here
  2. upload image and get url.
  3. use url in markdown.
![image here](http://images2017.cnblogs.com/.../123.png)

Multiple deploy

  • deploy to github.com: username.github.io
  • deploy to coding.net (gitcaffe): username

vim blog/_config.yml

type: git
github: git@github.com:<username>/<username>.github.io.git,master
coding: git@git.coding.net:<username>/<username>.git,master


custom domain and https

  • blog: Github pages
  • SSL:CloudFlare
  • domain: Godaddy (dns nameservers from CloudFlare)

get ips by

dig kezunlin.github.io +noall +answer

we get
  • A: point to
  • CNAME: point to kezunlin.me


  1. get kezunlin.me from Godaddy.com
  2. add kezunlin.me to github blog's blog\source\CNAME file
  3. register CloudFlare.com and add A record with github page IP and get dns nameservers dina.ns.cloudflare.com and paul.ns.cloudflare.com
  4. add dns nameservers dina.ns.cloudflare.com and paul.ns.cloudflare.com from here

wait for some seconds and we get results from CloudFlare

Status: Active This website is active on Cloudflare. Universal SSL Status Active Certificate

Active means nameservers take effect.


Crypto | Always use HTTPS
Page Rules| 2 rules for Always use HTTPS

custom domain

  1. register domin in godaddy: kezunlin.me
  2. add kezunlin.me to dnspod and get dnspod nameservers.
  3. visit https://dcc.godaddy.com/manage/kezunlin.me/dns#divDnsManagement to add dnspod nameservers.
  1. add CNAME records in dnspod
   	 @ CNAME  # for github pages
  1. vim blog/source/CNAME

google analytics

get google-site-verification from google search console and add to themes/next/layout/_partials/head.swig

<meta name="google-site-verification" content="***" />

get google_analytics and edit themes\next\_config.yml

    google_analytics: UA-***

google structured-data

  1. grep search for keywords
    grep -r Organization .
./themes/next/layout/_macro/post.swig: <span hidden itemprop="publisher" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Organization">

add logo for publisher

  1. edit themes\next\_config.yml and add

    logo: /images/logo.png

  2. edit ./themes/next/layout/_macro/post.swig

<span hidden itemprop="publisher" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Organization">
<meta itemprop="name" content="{{ config.title }}">
<img itemprop="logo" src="{{ url_for( theme.logo ) }}" />
#<img itemprop="logo" src="/images/logo.png" />

baidu zhanzhang

get baidu-site-verification from https://ziyuan.baidu.com/ and add to themes/next/layout/_partials/head.swig

<meta name="baidu-site-verification" content="***" />

360 zhanzhang

get 360-site-verification from http://zhanzhang.so.com/sitetool/ and add to themes/next/layout/_partials/head.swig

<meta name="360-site-verification" content="***" />

gitment for comment

We can use github repo to store blog site's comments in issues

register OAuth Application

  1. visit https://github.com/settings/applications/new
  2. fill in blanks, callback URL: https://kezunlin.me
  3. get client ID and client secret

gitment config

  1. create a new repo named gitment in Github for storing comments in issues
  2. edit blog\themes\next\_config.yml
enable: true
mint: true # RECOMMEND, A mint on Gitment, to support count, language and proxy_gateway
count: true # Show comments count in post meta area
lazy: true # Comments lazy loading with a button
cleanly: false # Hide 'Powered by ...' on footer, and more
language: zh-Hans # Force language, or auto switch by theme
github_user: kezunlin # MUST HAVE, Your Github ID
github_repo: gitment # MUST HAVE, The repo you use to store Gitment comments
client_id: <***> # MUST HAVE, Github client id for the Gitment
client_secret: <***> # EITHER this or proxy_gateway, Github access secret token for the Gitment
proxy_gateway: # Address of api proxy, See: https://github.com/aimingoo/intersect
redirect_protocol: # Protocol of redirect_uri with force_redirect_protocol when mint enabled


  • github_user: kezunlin
  • github_repo: gitment

init page comment

  1. hexo deploy to deploy blogs
  2. visit page and click button Initialize Comment
  3. post your first comment.



register jiathis and get uid

jiathis and baidushare do not support https

baidushare (RE)

fix to support https

    cd blog
git clone https://github.com/hrwhisper/baiduShare.git
mv baiduShare source
#rm -rf baiduShare
# make sure we can access localhost:4000/baiduShare/static/api/js/share.js # edit baidushare.swig
grep -r 'bdimg.share.baidu.com' .
vim ./themes/next/layout/_partials/share/baidushare.swig # change //bdimg.share.baidu.com/ to /baiduShare
with(document)0[(getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||body).appendChild(createElement('script')).src='/baiduShare/static/api/js/share.js?cdnversion='+~(-new Date()/36e5)];
</script> # there exists a bug in share.js
hexo generate
hexo server



edit blog\themes\next\_config.yml

# count values only if the other configs are false
enable: true
# custom uv span for the whole site
site_uv: true
site_uv_header: <i class="fa fa-user"></i> 访问人数
# custom pv span for the whole site
site_pv: true
site_pv_header: <i class="fa fa-eye"></i> 总访问量
# custom pv span for one page only
page_pv: true
page_pv_header: <i class="fa fa-eye"></i> 阅读次数

hexo-all-minifier (not)

npm install hexo-all-minifier --save

edit blog\_config.yml

    all_minifier: true

Tips: not enable minifier currently because not stable.


npm install hexo-neat --save

edit blog\_config.yml

    # hexo-neat
neat_enable: true neat_html:
enable: true
exclude: neat_css:
enable: true
- '*.min.css' neat_js:
enable: true
mangle: true
- '*.min.js'

403 error

edit themes/next/layout/_partials/head.swig

<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer" />

optimize for speed

multiple deploy

deploy to coding.net.

vim themes/next/layout/_partials/footer.swig

<p>Hosted by <a href="https://pages.coding.me" style="font-weight: bold">Coding Pages</a></p>


use hexo-neat or hexo-all-minifier.

Tips: no use, it may cause longer time to load page.



We can not use fourth level `####` for header,
otherwise post page will not display properly.


jquery: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js


  1. download gitmint files to themes\next\source\lib

     tree gitmint/
    ├── dist
    │ └── gitmint.browser.js
    └── style
    └── default.css 2 directories, 2 files
  2. edit ./themes/next/layout/_third-party/comments/gitment.swig

    #<link rel="stylesheet" href="/lib/gitmint/style/default.css">
#<script src="/lib/gitmint/dist/gitmint.browser.js"></script>
  1. edit _config.yml to skip gitmint file
    skip_render: # relative to source/ folder
- lib/gitmint/dist/*.js
- lib/gitmint/style/*.css



hexo -v
ERROR Local hexo not found in /home/kezunlin/git/blog


cd blog
rm node_modules
cnpm install --save



  • 2017/12/26: created.
  • 2017/12/27: add Appendix,use next theame,add tags/categories page.
  • 2017/12/28: add Advanced, use gitment,baidushare,local search,etc.
  • 2018/01/02: upload images to cnblogs.
  • 2018/01/03: hexo-neat to compress,cdn,etc.
  • 2018/01/22: add part2.
  • 2018/09/05: add ssl.
  • 2019/11/07: reorganize post contents.


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