It's so easy to be careless, it takes courage and courage to care.


Sometimes it would be much easier to give up than to hold on, especially when failing again and agian even after having paid a lot.

It really takes more courage to choose to hold on in these moments.

But we have to, we have to hold on to our dreams, we have to achieve something that can show our existence is valuable or our endeavours are worthwile, and we have to fight for a decent standard of living for people we love and people who lvoe us.

Well, even if the results are not so satisfactory, sometimes disappointing or frustrating, let it be, and let's press on, let's change them, little by little, better by better.

Remember, regrets can't help us overcome obstacles, only actions of overcoing those challenges can help us change our life.

Don't give up, keep striving for better changes in the future.

Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end you are sure to succeed.


From Abraham Lincoln.

Believe it or not, it is often the way we react to what happens to us that does us the most harm.

Imagine that we encounter an intense conflict at work or we get stuck in a difficult problem, we may choose to give up, or choose to abandon ourselves in some fleeting pleasures, that would lead to some worse consequences later. But if we choose to clam on and try to find out potential solutions, even though we may fail at last, we still can get some rewards through our efforts, at least, we will grow up, we will become more skilled.

Discouragement is just like a vicious cycle, it feeds on itself and it never fixes the situation.

Don't be discouraged. If you let yourself get dismayed, if you leave when you are down and out, you are already defeated.

We need to take hold of courage, we need to strengthen ourselves. The Heaven will be with us, and we can do all the things.

OK, let's have a break, and discuss some puzzling quesionts:

The first: What is the best way to learn board bringup and hardware diagnostics?

Please see the url at:

The second:  How to bringup any arm board?

Try to present my own answers after finishing the bringup of tda2sx.

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