
  1. http://python-web-guide.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/idiom/idiom.html
  2. 待定

1. Python支持链式比较

# bad
a = 5
if a > 1 and a < 7:
# good
if 1 < a < 7:

2. Python交换变量

# bad
x = 10
y = 5
tmp = x
x = y
y = tmp # good
x = 10
y = 5
x, y = y, x

3. Python中替代三目运算符?:

# bad
a = 10
b = 5
if a > b:
c = a
c = b
# good
c = a if a > b else b

4. 格式化字符时多使用format函数

# bad
name = "tony"
age = 100
str = "myname : " + name + " my age : " + str(age)
str1 = "myname : %s my age : %d" % (name, age)
# good
str2 = "myname : {} my age {}".format(name, age)

5. 使用列表或者字典comprehension(推导式)

# bad
mylist = range(20)
odd_list = []
for e in mylist:
if e % 2 == 1:
# good
odd_list = [e for e in mylist if e % 2 == 1] # bad
user_list = [{'name': 'lucy', 'email': 'lucy@g.com'}, {'name': 'lily', 'email': 'lily@g.com'}]
user_email = {}
for user in user_list:
if 'email' in user:
user_email[user['name']] = user['email']
# good
{user['name']: user['email'] for user in user_list if 'email' in user}

6. 条件判断时,避免直接和True, False, None进行比较(==)

# bad
if l == []:
# good
if l: # 实际调用l.__len__() == 0
pass # bad
if something == None:
# good, None 是单例对象
if something is None:

7. 使用enumerate代替for循环中的index变量访问

# bad
my_container = ['lily', 'lucy', 'tom']
index = 0
for element in my_container:
print '{} {}'.format(index, element)
index += 1 # good
for index, element in enumerate(my_container):
print '%d %s' % (index, element)

8. 避免使用可变(mutable)变量作为函数参数的默认初始化值

# bad
def function(l = []):
return l print function()
print function()
print function() # print
[1, 1]
[1, 1, 1] # good 使用None作为可变对象占位符
def function(l=None):
if l is None:
l = []
return l

9. 一切皆对象

# bad
def print_addition_table():
for x in range(1, 3):
for y in range(1, 3):
print(str(x + y) + '\n') def print_subtraction_table():
for x in range(1, 3):
for y in range(1, 3):
print(str(x - y) + '\n') def print_multiplication_table():
for x in range(1, 3):
for y in range(1, 3):
print(str(x * y) + '\n') def print_division_table():
for x in range(1, 3):
for y in range(1, 3):
print(str(x / y) + '\n') print_addition_table()
print_division_table() # good, python一切都是对象,可以函数作为参数,类似技巧可以用来简化代码
import operator as op def print_table(operator):
for x in range(1, 3):
for y in range(1, 3):
print(str(operator(x, y)) + '\n') for operator in (op.add, op.sub, op.mul, op.div):

10. 防御式编程EAFP vs LBYL

def getPersonInfo(person):
if person == None:
print 'person must be not null!'
print person.info # EAFP
def getPersonInfo(person):
print person.info
except NameError:
print 'person must be not null!'

11. 用dict对象完成switch...case...的功能

# bad
def apply_operation(left_operand, right_operand, operator):
if operator == '+':
return left_operand + right_operand
elif operator == '-':
return left_operand - right_operand
elif operator == '*':
return left_operand * right_operand
elif operator == '/':
return left_operand / right_operand
# good
def apply_operation(left_operand, right_operand, operator):
import operator as op
operator_mapper = {'+': op.add, '-': op.sub, '*': op.mul, '/': op.truediv}
return operator_mapper[operator](left_operand, right_operand)

12. 访问tuple的数据项时,可以用namedtuple代替index的方式访问

# bad
rows = [('lily', 20, 2000), ('lucy', 19, 2500)]
for row in rows:
print '{}`age is {}, salary is {} '.format(row[0], row[1], row[2]) # good
from collections import namedtuple
Employee = namedtuple('Employee', 'name, age, salary')
for row in rows:
employee = Employee._make(row)
print '{}`age is {}, salary is {} '.format(employee.name, employee.age, employee.salary)

13. 用isinstance来判断对象的类型

下面的代码是计算一个对象的长度值,如果是序列类型(str,list,set,dict)的, 直接调用len方法,如果是True, False, None则返回1,如果是数值的,则返回其int值.

# bad
def get_size(some_object):
return len(some_object)
except TypeError:
if some_object in (True, False, None):
return 1
return int(some_object) print(get_size('hello'))
print(get_size([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
print(get_size(10.0)) # good
def get_size(some_object):
if isinstance(some_object, (list, dict, str, tuple)):
return len(some_object)
elif isinstance(some_object, (bool, type(None))):
return 1
elif isinstance(some_object, (int, float)):
return int(some_object)

14. 用with管理操作资源的上下文环境


# bad
class Connection(object):
def execute(self, sql):
raise Exception('ohoh, exception!') def close(self):
print 'closed the Connection' try:
conn = Connection()
conn.execute('select * from t_users')
conn.close() # good
class Connection(object):
def execute(self, sql):
raise Exception('ohoh, exception!') def close(self):
print 'closed the Connection' def __enter__(self):
return self def __exit__(self, errorType, errorValue, error):
self.close() with Connection() as conn:
conn.execute('select * from t_users')

15. 使用generator返回耗费内存的对象

# bad
def f():
# ...
return biglist # bad
def f():
# ...
return biglist # good
def f():
# ...
for i in biglist:
yield i

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