December 21st, Week 51st Saturday, 2019
May the odds be ever in your favor.
From The Hunger Games.
May we all have good luck, and we can be lucky if we buck for it in the right way.
But what is the right way? Maybe we can define luck in our ways, take advantages of every opportunity, be open to changes, embrace small wins, avoid behaviour loops, set right goals and work hard, etc.
As to my own, I used to think I am not the one who is favoured by luck, because I always failed even when I thought I had contributed a lot to win.
Really? Maybe that's just because I haven't contributed enough, I haven't contributed the right things for my team.
Huh, maybe the time is coming soon if I can work smarter and become more enthusiastic.
Always believe that achievements is founded on deligence and wasted upon recklessness, though sometimes doing a good enough job won't ensure lasting success and luck, please keep going above and beyond, follow through our work efforts, and we will get something valueable as rewards, at least, improvements in our skills and abilities.
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
We all have dreams, we all hope to become stronger, smarter, healthier, wealthier and more capable.
Having dreams won't do any harm to our life, conversely, dreams can help us know what kind of people we want to be, what kind of life we want to live, and encourgae us to tackcle with challenges and difficulities in our life.
However, we can't dwell on our dreams, that is to say, we cannot only have dreams but forget to live in the current, or fail to strive for making our dream come true.
It would be much easier to sit around and dwell on dreams than to ever make them happen.
There's a pretty good chance that our wonderful dreams that we are dreaming will take hard work and dedication to make happen.
In order to achive and live them is entirely a different story than just imagining them.
That work begins when we set the goals and take the actions to achieve our dreams.
When we become serious about making our dreams become a reality, that's when the fun begins.
Don't just dwell on our dreams, please live them.
The results will be worthy every bit of hard work we put into making them happen.
Live the life we're dreaming of, it's entirely possible.
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