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Install windows server 2008 system on ESXi 5.1, add it to a domain and do some configurations for remote desktop.

1.       Install windows server 2008

Prepare a windows 2k8 ISO file. New a host from ESXi 5.1 client and start the installation as a virtual machine.

2.       Configure the IP
Take our test  environment for example, the DNS server should be 209/23. Subnet mask should be Refer to the following pic.

3.       Add the computer into a domain
Go to [Start] -> [computer] -> [properties], set “” as domain name and then username and password should be provided to add to domain. See the pic for details.

4.       Restart the computer
After add the domain successfully, it will ask you to restart the computer.

5.       Turn off the Firewall to enable remote ping
If you want to ping this computer, you must turn off the firewall.

6.       Remote desktop should be enabled for use.
Go to computer->properties, select remote settings and enable the remote desktop.

After these configurations, you can ping the computer and access it via remote desktop.

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