
云中树莓派(2):将传感器数据上传到AWS IoT 并利用Kibana进行展示

云中树莓派(3):通过 AWS IoT 控制树莓派上的Led


1. Led 连接与测试



1.1 接线


  • 将排线一头插在树莓派的40个pin脚上,将另一头插在扩展板上。要注意方向,多试几次。还要注意在树莓派关机时候再插入。
  • 把扩展板插在面包板上。
  • 把Led 的长脚(正极)插在面包板第6行的任何一个孔内(对应GPIO18),将其短脚(负极或接地)插在第7行的任何一个孔内(对应GND)。


1.2 简单测试

下面的 python 能让led 灯每两秒钟亮一次:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time PIN_NO=18
loopCount = 0
for x in xrange(500):
print("Loop " + str(loopCount))
loopCount += 1 GPIO.cleanup()

也就是通过控制GPIO18的电压为高还是低来控制Led 灯是亮还是灭。

2. AWS IoT Device Shadow

AWS IoT 中一个功能叫做 Device Shadow,翻译为『设备影子』。它本质上为用于存储和检索设备的当前状态信息的 JSON 文档。Device Shadow 服务可以为您连接到 AWS IoT 的每台设备保留一个影子。您可以使用该影子通过 MQTT 或 HTTP 获取和设置设备的状态,无论该设备是否连接到 Internet。每台设备的影子都由相应事物的名称唯一标识。Device Shadow 服务充当中介,支持设备和应用程序检索和更新设备的影子。
AWS IoT 针对设备的影子提供了三项操作:
  • UPDATE:如果设备的影子不存在,则创建一个该影子;如果存在,则使用请求中提供的数据更新设备的影子的内容。存储数据时使用时间戳信息,以指明最新更新时间。向所有订阅者发送消息,告知 desired 状态与 reported 状态之间的差异 (增量)。接收到消息的事物或应用程序可以根据 desired 状态和 reported 状态之间的差异执行操作。例如,设备可将其状态更新为预期状态,或者应用程序可以更新其 UI,以反映设备状态的更改。
  • GET:检索设备的影子中存储的最新状态 (例如,在设备启动期间,检索配置和最新操作状态)。此操作将返回整个 JSON 文档,其中包括元数据。
  • DELETE:删除设备的影子,包括其所有内容。这将从数据存储中删除 JSON 文档。您无法还原已删除的设备的影子,但可以创建具有相同名称的新影子。

也就是说,要通过 AWS IoT 来操作设备,需要通过设备影子进行。下图是控制Led 灯泡的示意图。外部应用和设备之间的交互通过设备影子进行。

Device Shadow 使用系统预留的 MQTT 主题来做应用程序和设备之间的通信:
MQTT 主题 用途


当设备的影子更新成功时,Device Shadow 服务将向此主题发送消息


当设备的影子更新遭拒时,Device Shadow 服务将向此主题发送消息


当检测到设备的影子的“reported”部分与“desired”部分之间存在差异时,Device Shadow 服务将向此主题发送消息。


当获取设备的影子的请求获批时,Device Shadow 服务将向此主题发送消息。


当获取设备的影子的请求遭拒时,Device Shadow 服务将向此主题发送消息。


当设备的影子被删除时,Device Shadow 服务将向此主题发送消息。


当删除设备的影子的请求遭拒时,Device Shadow 服务将向此主题发送消息。


每次设备的影子更新成功执行时,Device Shadow 服务都会向此主题发布状态文档。


  1. 连接着的 Led 灯发送封装在MQTT消息中的 reported 状态 『off』 到 AWS IoT
  2. AWS IoT 通过 led 灯使用的证书来确定它所属的虚拟事物
  3. AWS IoT 将 reported 状态保存在设备影子 JSON 文件中
  4. 一条 AWS IoT rule 正监控着 led 的 off 状态,它发送一个消息到某个 SNS topic
  5. 某 application 收到 SNS 消息。用户将 led 期望状态(desired state)设置为 on
  6. AWS IoT 收到该消息,它更新设备影子中的 desired state,同时发送包含期望状态的 message 到某些topic。此时,reported 和 desired 状态是 『Out of Sync』的
  7. led 收到 delta 消息,开始根据其中的 desired status 来设置其实际状态
  8. led 将其状态设置为 on,向 MQTT topic 发送新的 reported 状态
  9. AWS IoT 更新设备影子,现在该设备的 reported 和 desired 状态一致了

3. Python 代码

代码一共就两个文件。文件 ledController.py 充当Led 灯的控制器,它定期向Led 发出『开』或『关』的指令,并定期获取其状态;文件 ledSwitch.py 充当 Led 等的操纵器,它通过调用树莓派的 GPIO 接口来设置和获取 led 灯的状态,以及将其状态上报给 IoT 服务。

AWS IoT  提供了 Device Shadow python SDK,因此不需要直接操作各种 MQTT 主题,而可以使用 get,update 和 delete 这种API。其地址在 https://github.com/aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-python/tree/master/AWSIoTPythonSDK/core/shadow

3.1 ledController.py

from AWSIoTPythonSDK.MQTTLib import AWSIoTMQTTShadowClient
import logging
import time
import json
import threading # Led shadow JSON Schema
# Name: Led
# {
# "state: {
# "desired": {
# "light": <on|off>
# }
# }
#} deviceShadowHandler = None def getDeviceStatus():
while True:
print("Getting device status...\n")
deviceShadowHandler.shadowGet(customShadowCallback_get, 50)
time.sleep(60) def customShadowCallback_get(payload, responseStatus, token):
if responseStatus == "timeout":
print("Get request with token " + token + " time out!")
if responseStatus == "accepted":
print("========== Printing Device Current Status =========")
payloadDict = json.loads(payload)
desired = payloadDict["state"]["desired"]["light"]
desiredTime = payloadDict["metadata"]["desired"]["light"]["timestamp"]
except Exception:
print("Failed to get desired state and timestamp.")
print("Desired status: " + str(desired) + " @ " + time.ctime(int(desiredTime))) try:
reported = payloadDict["state"]["reported"]["light"]
reportedTime = payloadDict["metadata"]["reported"]["light"]["timestamp"]
except Exception:
print("Failed to get reported time or timestamp")
print("Reported status: " + str(reported) + " @ " + time.ctime(int(reportedTime))) print("=======================================\n\n")
if responseStatus == "rejected":
print("Get request with token " + token + " rejected!") def customShadowCallback_upate(payload, responseStatus, token):
# payload is a JSON string which will be parsed by jason lib
if responseStatus == "timeout":
print("Update request with " + token + " time out!")
if responseStatus == "accepted":
playloadDict = json.loads(payload)
print("Update request with token: " + token + " accepted!")
print("light: " + str(playloadDict["state"]["desired"]["light"]))
if responseStatus == "rejected":
print("Update request " + token + " rejected!") def customShadowCallback_delete(payload, responseStatus, token):
if responseStatus == "timeout":
print("Delete request " + token + " time out!")
if responseStatus == "accepted":
print("Delete request with token " + token + " accepted!")
if responseStatus == "rejected":
print("Delete request with token " + token + " rejected!") # Cofigure logging
logger = logging.getLogger("AWSIoTPythonSDK.core")
streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger.addHandler(streamHandler) # AWS IoT Core endpoint. Need change some values to yours.
awsiotHost = "**********.iot.*********.amazonaws.com"
awsiotPort = 8883;
# AWS IoT Root Certificate. Needn't change.
rootCAPath = "/home/pi/awsiot/VeriSign-Class3-Public-Primary-Certification-Authority-G5.pem"
# Device private key. Need change to yours.
privateKeyPath = "/home/pi/awsiot/aec2731afd-private.pem.key"
# Device certificate. Need change to yours.
certificatePath = "/home/pi/awsiot/aec2731afd-certificate.pem.crt"
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient = None;
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient = AWSIoTMQTTShadowClient("RaspberryLedController")
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.configureEndpoint(awsiotHost, awsiotPort)
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.configureCredentials(rootCAPath, privateKeyPath, certificatePath) myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.configureAutoReconnectBackoffTime(1, 32, 20)
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.configureConnectDisconnectTimeout(60) # 10sec
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.configureMQTTOperationTimeout(50) #5sec #connect to AWS IoT
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.connect() #create a devcie Shadow with persistent subscription
thingName = "homepi"
deviceShadowHandler = myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.createShadowHandlerWithName(thingName, True) #Delete shadow JSON doc
deviceShadowHandler.shadowDelete(customShadowCallback_delete, 50) #start a thread to get device status every 5 seconds
statusLoopThread = threading.Thread(target=getDeviceStatus)
statusLoopThread.start() #update shadow in a loop
loopCount = 0
while True:
desiredState = "off"
if (loopCount % 2 == 0):
desiredState = "on"
print("To change Led desired status to \"" + desiredState + "\" ...\n")
jsonPayload = '{"state":{"desired":{"light":"' + desiredState + '"}}}'
print("payload is: " + jsonPayload + "\n")
deviceShadowHandler.shadowUpdate(jsonPayload, customShadowCallback_upate, 60)
loopCount += 1

3.2 ledSwitch.py

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from AWSIoTPythonSDK.MQTTLib import AWSIoTMQTTShadowClient
import logging
import time
import json # Led shadow JSON Schema
# Name: Led
# {
# "state: {
# "desired": {
# "light": <on|off>
# }
# }
#} LED_PIN_NUM = 18 # GPIO Number of Led long pin. Change to yours.
deviceShadowHandler = None
#initialize GOPI
GPIO.setup(LED_PIN_NUM, GPIO.OUT) def customShadowCallback_Delta(payload, responseStatus, token):
# payload is a JSON string which will be parsed by jason lib
payloadDict = json.loads(payload)
print("++++++++ Get DELTA data +++++++++++")
desiredStatus = str(payloadDict["state"]["light"])
print("desired status: " + desiredStatus)
print("version: " + str(payloadDict["version"])) #get device current status
currentStatus = getDeviceStatus()
print("Device current status is " + currentStatus)
#udpate device current status
if (currentStatus != desiredStatus):
# update device status as desired
# send current status to IoT service
print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n") def updateDeviceStatus(status):
print("Set device status to " + status)
if (status == "on"):
print("=============================\n") def getDeviceStatus():
return getLedStatus(LED_PIN_NUM) def turnLedOn(gpionum):
GPIO.output(gpionum, GPIO.HIGH) def turnLedOff(gpionum):
GPIO.output(gpionum, GPIO.LOW) def getLedStatus(gpionum):
outputFlag = GPIO.input(gpionum)
print("outputFlag is " + str(outputFlag))
if outputFlag:
return "on"
return "off" def sendCurrentState2AWSIoT():
#check current status of device
currentStatus = getDeviceStatus()
print("Device current status is " + currentStatus)
print("Sending reported status to MQTT...")
jsonPayload = '{"state":{"reported":{"light":"' + currentStatus + '"}}}'
print("Payload is: " + jsonPayload + "\n")
deviceShadowHandler.shadowUpdate(jsonPayload, customShadowCallback_upate, 50) def customShadowCallback_upate(payload, responseStatus, token):
# payload is a JSON string which will be parsed by jason lib
if responseStatus == "timeout":
print("Update request with " + token + " time out!")
if responseStatus == "accepted":
playloadDict = json.loads(payload)
print("Update request with token: " + token + " accepted!")
print("light: " + str(playloadDict["state"]["reported"]["light"]))
if responseStatus == "rejected":
print("Update request " + token + " rejected!") def customShadowCallback_Get(payload, responseStatus, token):
print("responseStatus: " + responseStatus)
print("payload: " + payload)
payloadDict = json.loads(payload)
# {"state":{"desired":{"light":37},"delta":{"light":37}},"metadata":{"desired":{"light":{"timestamp":1533888405}}},"version":54
stateStr = ""
stateStr = stateStr + "Desired: " + str(payloadDict["state"]["desired"]["light"]) + ", "
except Exception:
print("No desired state") try:
stateStr = stateStr + "Delta: " + str(payloadDict["state"]["delta"]["light"]) + ", "
except Exception:
print("No delta state") try:
stateStr = stateStr + "Reported: " + str(payloadDict["state"]["reported"]["light"]) + ", "
except Exception:
print("No reported state") print(stateStr + ", Version: " + str(payloadDict["version"])) def printDeviceStatus():
status = getDeviceStatus()
print(" Current status: " + str(status))
print("=========================\n\n") # Cofigure logging
logger = logging.getLogger("AWSIoTPythonSDK.core")
streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger.addHandler(streamHandler) awsiotHost = "***********.iot.********.amazonaws.com"
awsiotPort = 8883;
rootCAPath = "/home/pi/awsiot/VeriSign-Class3-Public-Primary-Certification-Authority-G5.pem"
privateKeyPath = "/home/pi/awsiot/aec2731afd-private.pem.key"
certificatePath = "/home/pi/awsiot/aec2731afd-certificate.pem.crt"
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient = None;
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient = AWSIoTMQTTShadowClient("RaspberryLedSwitch")
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.configureEndpoint(awsiotHost, awsiotPort)
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.configureCredentials(rootCAPath, privateKeyPath, certificatePath) myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.configureAutoReconnectBackoffTime(1, 32, 20)
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.configureConnectDisconnectTimeout(60) # 10sec
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.configureMQTTOperationTimeout(30) #5sec #connect to AWS IoT
myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.connect() #create a devcie Shadow with persistent subscription
thingName = "homepi"
deviceShadowHandler = myAWSIoTMQTTShadowClient.createShadowHandlerWithName(thingName, True) #listen on deleta
deviceShadowHandler.shadowRegisterDeltaCallback(customShadowCallback_Delta) #print the intital status
printDeviceStatus() #send initial status to IoT service
sendCurrentState2AWSIoT() #get the shadow after started
deviceShadowHandler.shadowGet(customShadowCallback_Get, 60) #update shadow in a loop
loopCount = 0
while True:

3.3 主要过程

(1)ledSwitch.py 在运行后,获取led 的初始状态,并将其发给 AWS IoT 服务:

outputFlag is 0
Current status: off
outputFlag is 0
Device current status is off
Sending reported status to MQTT...
Payload is: {"state":{"reported":{"light":"off"}}}

(2)ledController.py 开始运行后,它首先获取led 的当前状态,为 『off』

(3)Controller 将其 desired 状态设置为 on

To change Led desired status to "on" ...
payload is: {"state":{"desired":{"light":"on"}}}

(4)Switch 收到 DELTA 消息,调用 GPIO 接口设置其状态,并向 IOT 服务报告其状态

++++++++ Get DELTA data +++++++++++
desired status: on
version: 513
outputFlag is 0
Device current status is off
Set device status to on
outputFlag is 1
Device current status is on
Sending reported status to MQTT...
Payload is: {"state":{"reported":{"light":"on"}}}

(5)Controller 获取最新状态

Desired status: on @ Sat Aug 11 18:39:16 2018
Reported status: on @ Sat Aug 11 18:39:17 2018




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