CodeLite C/C+ IDE更新放出
CodeLite IDE Revision 1145 for C/C++已经发布,这是一个强大的开源,跨平台的C/C++整合开发环境.
目前已经在Windows XP SP3,Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon, Fedora Core 6和Debian lenny/sid上测试通过,它遵循GPL协议分发.
下载:CodeLite C/C+ IDE Rev, 1145 for Windows
下载:CodeLite C/C+ IDE Rev, 1145 for Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon
访问:CodeLite Home
CodeLite main features:
- Generic support for compilers
- Can be easily extended with plugins (Several plugins are already included in the installer)
- Built-in GDB support, with the following features included:
- Watches table - add persistent watches by a single click
- Quick Watch - right click on a variable to expand it
- Locals tree - automatically displays the current stack variables (also displays *this if available)
- Threads view - provides list of currently running threads and easily switching between then by single click
- Breakpoint management - add/remove breakpoint management panel
- Automatic tooltip
- and more...
- Subversion plugin (based on the command line tool), which mimics the TortoiseSVN (but unlike it, it runs on Linux as well).
- Subversion HTML report which allows user to quickly perform SVN actions (Diff, Revert, Commit etc)
- Makefile based build system
- Improved Custom build system which allows user to compile using their own build tools (Premake/QMake/Cmake)
- Project explorer (Workspace view)
- File Explorer
- Automatically imports MSVS workspace/projects and converts them to GNU based makefile
- Export CodeLite projects to GNU makefiles
- Active document outline
- Sophisticated database based Code Completion mechanism, a default database is supplied which contains symbols for wxWidgets, STL and standard headers
- Function's call tip
- Hover tip
- Comments tips
- Members List
- Supports C++ templates, namespaces and other advance features of the language
- Automatically add include statement for symbols
- Quickly open resources in the editor using 'Find Resource in workspace'
- Quickly open types in the editor using 'Find Type in workspace'
- XML based syntax highlighting, comes with the following:
- C/C++
- Java
- Perl
- Makefile
- Lua
- Diff files
- Text Folding
- Bookmarks
- Find In Files
- Highly Configurable
- Auto add missing include files
- Auto add mising functions' implementations
- Built-in doxygen comment generator for functions/classes
- And much more...
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