There is some notes while I am learning Ubuntu Operate System!

(Ask Ubuntu & Fedora)

1-- Hard link : ln command have different parm. Hard link means that the two files is connect together for backup the original files.If you edit any of the two files , it will be sync immedietely. If you delete the original file. It will make all files used. If you delete the copy file , it will keep the context of the original file. This command can not link the directory but single file.  ln A.txt B.txt

2-- Symbolic link: This is different from the hard link. This command can link the directory. This one is more usefull than Hard link.  ln  -s A.txt B.txt

3-- cat : cat is a command which can read the .txt .py .c etc without opening the origin files. Used like this: cat filename.suffix  zcat is another command which can read the zip files : zcat

4-- du -sb;df -i : read the Memory and disk used and the information of the device.

5-- ln : The explaination have already said in the point 1 and the point 2.

6-- fdisk : fdisk /dev/sda1 check the information of this device. The memory,sector,node and so on.

7--df : df /  command is for checking all device.df -i more information about all the device.

8-- while there is a question about that : sudo apt-get update . Then there is two errors say:”Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock” .And “Unable to lock administration directory(/var/lib/dpkg),is anther process using it?”.

That two error’s information tell us that we need to find out that whether there is anther process is using the dpkg. So we need to type anther command into the Terminal like that: sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock. Then it return some information like that :


unattend       9241     root      5uW     REG        8,1                0           699848  /var/lib/dpkg/lock

So, We need to kill the process like this :sudo kill -9 9214 .(The fromat: sudo kill -9 <PID>).

After these steps ,I can run the system normally. Congratulations!

9--when I moving the Ubuntu Terminal. It receive a command(Ctrl + C) to shutdown the process running in the  Terminal. So need to solve this problem like this : Shutdown the processing running in your Original system(Our Ubuntu is install in the Vmware as a Vitrual Machine), The named of the process is YouDao Dictionary!

10--Error:Unable to find the remote helper for https:When I was upload the C files into the remote repository, it show like this error. After finding the answer, It said that the path named /usr/lib/git-core is not in the System’s PATH. So what we need to do is to set the path to include the git-core path so that we can use the command of git: PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/git-core.

11-- When I try to change my authority to be a root, It turn out to be that Authourity failure. So I am going to find the reason. At last it told me That I have not set the root’password before.We are asked to set a new password for root. We set the password for root used this command: sudo passwd root   .After running this command, it asks you to input the password of user now time, then you need to enter the password for root.

12-- When I am using git to manage my code.

There is some steps for you to do this(This for you to update your code to the!).

    Step1 : Go to the the file directory which you want to manage the code use the command ‘cd’. After yo u get into the directory, you need to use the first git command: git init  -→this command make the directory to be a local repository. The later steps is based on this directory.

Step2 : You need to know the status of the directory, using this git command to get the status: git status. After you using this command. There show the status of the directory. Then you need to add these  new    files into the commit like this: git add filename.

Step3 : When you finished to add the new files into the commit. Now you can commit those files into the local repository. The command like this: get commit -m filename. After this step, you can check the status of the directory like this:git status to insure that there is no files is new needed to be update.

Step4 : There is two different positions. If you have not connect this local repository to the remote repository located in the service  machine of the You need to do like this : git remote add origin name/repository’s name,git . After this o peration, the local repository will link with the remote repository located in the service of github,com. Notice: We must insure that there have already make a repository in your github account of If you have already link your file s to the local repository with the repository in, You just skip this step and read the next step.

 Step5 :After all those operations, The last step you need to do is :git push -u origin master .

There is some steps for you do this(This is for you to clone the files from the

   Step1 : You don’t need to add a new directory in your local computer. You just need to  type this in your Terminal : git clone

13-- mkfs : The long form is : Make your file system

14-- badblocks : This command is for you to check whither there are some break sectors in the memory device. It takes more time.

15-- mount : mount commad is important. If you want to operate some devices, it firstly should be mount on. Mount -l command means to show all the devices have been mount on. Mount /dev/sda1 means to mount on the device you want to mount, once mount on, you can use it.before you eject the devices , you should firstly umount the divice like this : umount /dev/sda1 . Then you can eject the device. For example(You want to operate your flash device):

   Step1 : df -i show all the device been connect to the operation system.

   Step2 : mkdir /media/flash To make a directory to operate the flash device with this file.

   Step3 : mount /dev/devicename /media/flash To mount the device on the system’s file.

   Step4 : Do what you want to do on the flash directory in order to operate the flash device.

16-- umount : umount /dev/sdb1

17-- rm -rf : rm -rf file’directory. This command can directly delete the whole file directory.

18-- cp -r : cp -r /Original directory /Destination directoryCopy the whole directory.

19-- dumpe2fs :

20-- e2label : e2lable /dev/sab1 MM1994UESTCChange the device name.

21-- hdparm : hdparm /dev/sda1To show the parameters of device connect to the operate Sys.

22-- Some file’s suffix inform us the compress type of the file:

*.Z  compressed by compress App

*.gz  compressed by gzip App

*.bz2  compressed by bzip2 APP

*.tar  Have not been compressed, Open with tar App

*.tar.gz  packed by tar App, also been compressed by gzip App

*.tar.bz2  Packed by tar App, also been compressed by bzip2 APP

The Compress Command:

gzip :

bzip2 :

gunzip :

tar -jcv -ffilename.tar.bz2 filename

tar -jxv -ffilename.tar.bz2  -C filename

tar -zcv -ffilename.tar.gz filename

tar -zxv -ffilename.tar.gz  -C filename

The package Command:

tar : tar -c -ffiledirectoryname.tar  original filename

压缩指令:tar -zcvf target.tar.gz /source/*

解压指令:tar -xzvf target.tar.gz -C /dir/

23--mv : Acommad that can also change the filename. Mv A.txt B.txt

This command also can be used as moving the file into another place.

24-- alias : To rename the command with another name. EG: alias lm=’ls -al’ means that to use the lm name to respect the command ls -al.

25--declare -i number=$RANDOM*10/32768; echo $number

26-- history :

27-- vim -r .filename.swpThis command can help you to recovery the file that have not been saved before which suddenly be killed without saved.

28-- To install the MySQL on your Ubuntu Operation System.

Step1 :sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Step2 : apt-get install mysql-client

Step3 : sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

After those steps , Let us check whether the Mysql-server been installed on our Ubuntu’system

Command:sudo netstat -tap | grep mysql

If ubuntu’s terminal shows that your mysql’socket is in listening means that the mysql-server has been installed successfully.

29-- How to remove some App That we don’t want to use!

Step1 : sudo apt-get remove mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common

Step2 : sudo apt-get autoremove

Step3 : sudo apt-get autoclean

If you are trying to reinstall the mysql server ,and there is some problems,please redo the three steps above and then execute the follow command as this :

Step4 : sudo apt-get remove - -purge mysql-\*

Step5 : sudo apt-get install  - -reinstall mysql-common    (The most important command!)

Step6 : sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

We also can use this command to do this:sudo dpkg --purge Software

30-- How to stop/start the mysql-server under ubuntu?

sudo service mysql start(Notice:In order to prevent the system have already open the service for you while you continue try this start command , sudo service mysql restartis better!Also,you can use this command to find out while the mysql service is running:service mysql status)

sudo service mysql stop

sudo apt-get install ksnapshot

31-- Error:could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock -open  出现这个问题的原因可能是有另外一个程序正在运行,导致资源被锁不可用。而导致资源被锁的原因,可能是上次安装时没正常完成,而导致出现此状况。


sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock

sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock

删除完上面的东西之后有可能会出现下面的问题(Kylin中遇到过):dpkg 被中断,您必须手工运行sudo dpkg --configure -a解决此问题,但是按照提示输入命令之后还是没有解决问题,下面是解决办法:

sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/update/*

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

32-- can't use the command shutdown:


echo $PATH




33-- yum Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: xxxxx:

问题是,在使用Fedora 14的过程中,发现上述的错误,Fedora的源数据库repo不能使用,或者不能获取元数据。猜测可能的原因是Fedora的版本太旧了,fedora系统中原有的repo库已经不能使用,于是更新一下库吧,找了半天发现163网易的源已经不支持了啊,然而有很多网友的方法中添加的是网易的源(2017-11-03)的内容是README,而README的内容如下:

  2. ======================================
  3. The contents of this directory have been moved to our archives available at:
  7. If you are having troubles finding something there please stop by #fedora-admin on


  1. baseurl=
  2. baseurl=
  3. baseurl=


1、修改fedora.repo(文件的位置: etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo)

  1. vi fedora.repo


  1. [fedora]
  2. name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch
  3. failovermethod=priority
  4. #baseurl=$releasever/Everything/$basearch/os/
  5. baseurl=
  6. #mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch
  7. enabled=
  8. metadata_expire=7d
  9. gpgcheck=
  10. gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-$basearch
  12. [fedora-debuginfo]
  13. name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch - Debug
  14. failovermethod=priority
  15. #baseurl=$releasever/Everything/$basearch/debug/
  16. baseurl=
  17. #mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch
  18. enabled=
  19. metadata_expire=7d
  20. gpgcheck=
  21. gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-$basearch
  23. [fedora-source]
  24. name=Fedora $releasever - Source
  25. failovermethod=priority
  26. #baseurl=$releasever/Everything/source/SRPMS/
  27. baseurl=
  28. #mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch
  29. enabled=
  30. metadata_expire=7d
  31. gpgcheck=
  32. gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-$basearch


  1. yum clean all
  2. yum makecache

OK,这样就可以使用了,下面是yum makecache的加载过程:


  1. yum install vim




34-- Failed to fetch*.gz(Ubuntu下源不存在需要更新的问题):


  1. cat /etc/issue

查询好对应的版本好之后,我们就可以在ubuntu的老版本的维护社区找到对应的源的链接了,所有老版本的源的地址如下: 这里我们可以先在release的目录下查询Ubuntu10.04对应的版本的名称

从右图可以看出,Ubuntu10.04版本的名称时Lucid Lynx



  1. gedit /etc/apt/sources.list


  1. deb lucid main restricted universe multiverse
  2. deb lucid-updates main restricted universe multiverse
  3. deb lucid-security main restricted universe multiverse
  4. deb lucid-proposed main restricted universe multiverse
  5. deb lucid-backports main restricted universe multiverse
  7. deb-src lucid main restricted universe multiverse
  8. deb-src lucid-updates main restricted universe multiverse
  9. deb-src lucid-security main restricted universe multiverse
  10. deb-src lucid-proposed main restricted universe multiverse
  11. deb-src lucid-backports main restricted universe multiverse


main restricted universe multiverse文件夹下面都是Source.gz文件



  1. sudo apt-get update



35-- How todeletesomefiles, and keep some other files in local folder?(如何删除大量的文件并保存部分的需要保留的文件?):



  1. shopt -s extglob # 打开extglob模式
  2. rm -fr !(file1)


36-- dd指令测试硬盘性能以及拷贝文件到对应的文件:

  1. time dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=2k count=



  1. time 用于计时(real实际耗时,user用户态耗时,sys系统态耗时)
  2. dd 用于复制,从if读出(input file),写到of(output file)
  3. if=/dev/zero 不产生IO,因此可以用来测试纯写速度(输入设备,改为/dev/sdb就表示从磁盘读取数据,测试磁盘的读取性能)
    of=/dev/null 不产生IO,可以用来测试纯读速度(输出设备,改为/dev/sdb就表示向磁盘sdb写入数据,测试磁盘的写入性能)
  4. bs 是每次读或写的大小,即一个块的大小
  5. count 是读写块的数量,相乘就是读写数据量大小,数据量(count)越大越准确,多次测试取平均值


37-- 在使用VMware10的过程中,安装完成了Ubuntu10.0的虚拟机之后,发现虚拟机的桌面显示出现了问题:


 38 -- 安装ubuntu上的截图软件ksnapshot:

  1. sudo apt-get install ksnapshot

安装之后如下图所示(我们在终端直接输入ubuntu-mm:~$ksnapshot 即可运行截图软件):

 39 -- ubuntu系统启动之后前置耳放设备没有声音:


  1. aplay -l #用来列出当前的播放硬件设备的列表


  1. vim /etc/asound.conf #创建声卡设备选择控制文件


  1. defaults.pcm.card
  2. defaults.pcm.device
  3. defaults.ctl.card



  1. sudo apt-get install pavucontrol #下载配置软件pavucontrol

这里配置选择成Headphones时就是主机前置输出接口,如果是Line Out就会是后置的输出接口,切换好之后就能完成声卡的配置了。

40 -- git have something wrong under ubuntu

Pushing to Git returning Error Code 403 fatal: HTTP request failed


  1. error: failed to push some refs to 'git+ssh://'
  2. hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do
  3. hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing
  4. hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes
  5. hint: (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
  6. hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.

In order to fixed the problem we need to type these command:

  1. git push -f origin master

This will fixed the problem!

41--Ubuntu16.04 cp xorg.conf.failsafe xorg.conf后无法设置分辨率的解决办法

登陆Ubuntu出现了无法显示登陆界面的情况,因此只能通过重启系统时,按住shift,进入到grub命令行,切换到ubuntu recovery模式下进行如下操作:

  1. cd /etc/X11
  2. sudo cp xorg.conf.failsafe xorg.conf
  3. sudo reboot




  1. sudo apt-get updata
  2. sudo apt-get upgrade



42---安装 aconda 后Linux的终端界面前部出现(base)字样


  1. conda activate base


  1. conda deactivate

或者修改~/.bashrc文件中的内容(在末尾添加命令:conda deactivate):

43--- 如何使用 ssh / scp 等指令远程连接主机并发送数据:


  1. ssh UserName@IP_Address




  1. scp [-12346BCpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file]
  2. [-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program]
  3. [[user@]host1:]file1 ... [[user@]host2:]file2
  5. -: 强制scp命令使用协议ssh1
  6. -: 强制scp命令使用协议ssh2
  7. -: 强制scp命令只使用IPv4寻址
  8. -: 强制scp命令只使用IPv6寻址
  9. -B 使用批处理模式(传输过程中不询问传输口令或短语)
  10. -C 允许压缩。(将-C标志传递给ssh,从而打开压缩功能)
  11. -p:保留原文件的修改时间,访问时间和访问权限。
  12. -q 不显示传输进度条。
  13. -r 递归复制整个目录。
  14. -v:详细方式显示输出。scpssh()会显示出整个过程的调试信息。这些信息用于调试连接,验证和配置问题。
  15. -c cipher cipher将数据传输进行加密,这个选项将直接传递给ssh
  16. -F ssh_config 指定一个替代的ssh配置文件,此参数直接传递给ssh
  17. -i identity_file 从指定文件中读取传输时使用的密钥文件,此参数直接传递给ssh
  18. -l limit 限定用户所能使用的带宽,以Kbit/s为单位。
  19. -o ssh_option 如果习惯于使用ssh_config()中的参数传递方式,
  20. -P port:注意是大写的P, port是指定数据传输用到的端口号
  21. -S program 指定加密传输时所使用的程序。此程序必须能够理解ssh()的选项。



  1. ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
  2. lost connection


  1. sudo apt-get install openssh-server



44-- 每次使用树莓派通过 sudo raspi-config命令打开某些服务或者功能之后,密码出现错误:

这是由于使用sudo raspi-config之后,树莓派删除了之前设置的配置的密码,因此每次设置完成之后一定要在raspi-config中修改树莓派的密码让新的密码生效。


出现这个错误的原因是python.org已经不支持TLSv1.0和TLSv1.1了。更新pip可以解决这个问题。但是如果使用传统的python -m pip install --upgrade pip的方式,还是会出现那个问题。这是一个鸡和蛋的问题,你因为TLS证书的问题需要去升级pip,升pip的时候又因为TLS证书的原因不能下载最新版本的pip。这时候就没有办法了,只能手动的去升级pip。

1. mac或者linux操作系统:在终端下执行命令:

  1. curl | python

2. windows操作系统:下载get-pip.py文件,然后使用python运行这个文件python get-pip.py即可。

46-- Linux下执行程序出现 Text file busy ?(当一个程序正在运行时,使用其他命令,如cp、mv等出现Text file busy的错误!!!)


  1. fuser <程序文件名>


  1. kill - PID

 47-- Linux不同颜色文件代表的意义:

  • 绿色文件: 可执行文件,可执行的程序
  • 红色文件:压缩文件或者包文件(注意:当symbol link文件的源丢失之后,link文件为红色,不可用!)
  • 蓝色文件:目录
  • 白色文件:一般性文件,如文本文件,配置文件,源码文件等
  • 浅蓝色文件:链接文件,主要是使用ln命令建立的文件
  • 红色闪烁:表示链接的文件有问题
  • 黄色:表示设备文件
  • 灰色:表示其他文件

48 -- pip 安装pandas出现问题:


  1. sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev
    sudo pip install pandas

 49 -- CodeError Summary(代码错误状态总结):

Section1:Float Point Exception

After i succeefully compiling the code with cross-compile-tools(arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc),There is no Error with code.But while i am running the code on the ARM platform,here get the Error:

Here the two conditions create the Code Error:

1. The denominator should not to be zero.(You must be careful that the denominator can not to be zero.before you using some code with denominator calculate,you should firstly initial the variable!!!)

  1. int asic = ;
  2. dev->interval = ;
  3. [...Code initial the dev->interval not to be Zero...]
  4. asic_pos = asic/dev->interval;

2. The version of you cross-compile tool is higher than the hardware's #(CC) env running the code compiled just now!

同一个程序在一台高版本Linux上运行时没有问题,而在另一台低版本机器上运行报Floating Point Exception时,那么这极有可能是由高版本gcc链接造成的。高版本的gcc在链接时采用了新的哈希技术来提高动态链接的速度,这在低版本中是不支持的。因此会发生这个错误。gcc就是一个编译器。编译出来的软件在低版本操作系统上有些技术不支持造成这个原因。

Here the test on HASH value:

We can see that the HASH value is diff.So we need to fix this bug--简单的说就是编译的时候加个参数, 把两中hash都编译进入,向下兼容。:

To see if this is conclusively the problem, build with -Wl,--hash-style=sysv or -Wl,--hash-style=both and see if the crash goes away.


50 -- Ubuntu每次启动都显示System program problem detected的解决办法

  1. sudo gedit /etc/default/apport



51 --Ubuntu下交叉编译的程序,在ARM平台上运行出现“-sh: ./main: No such file or directory” 的错误,具体如下所示:




因此我们使用编译选项 -static

  1. arm-linux-gcc -static main.c -o main



52 --访问阿里云服务器特殊端口无效,通过ufw设置关闭防火墙还是无效:


53 -- 使用MinGW64的gcc编译程序时,出现如下错误(“error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before numeric constant):

  • “error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before numeric constant #define  pi 3.1415926”
  • “error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before numeric constant #define  H 480”


  1. 第一pi的宏已经在其他系统文件中定义过了,因此重复定义会导致出现问题,可以考虑更改pi为pi_local,同样的H改为H_local即可解决问题。
  2. 将系统头文件放在最前面,自己定义的macro宏或者自定义的库文件放在系统#include之后,这样也能够解决问题。



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    Mybatis基础进阶学习2 1.测试基本结构 2.三个POJO package com.pojo; import; import java.util.Dat ...

  8. Oracle SQL优化进阶学习

    引言 对于下面的Oracle分页如何优化该段语句: SELECT * FROM (SELECT A.*, ROWNUM RN FROM (SELECT * FROM task_log order by ...

  9. PHP程序员进阶学习书籍参考指南

    PHP程序员进阶学习书籍参考指南 @heiyeluren lastmodify: 2016/2/18     [初阶](基础知识及入门)   01. <PHP与MySQL程序设计(第4版)> ...


  1. springboot项目使用idea开启远程调试

    远程调试是调试服务器的有效手段,远程服务器运行的应用可以在本地代码中打断点调试,能让开发人员准确定位服务器上的问题. 一.开启远程调试前提:本地代码与服务器代码一致, 二.开启远程调试步骤 1.开发工 ...

  2. JavaScript之数值计算

    //两等长数组对应元素之间做减法运算[可拓展:基本运算(+/-*//)] function array_dif(length,arrayA,arrayB){ var array = new Array ...

  3. 【PE结构】由浅入深PE基础学习-菜鸟手动查询导出表、相对虚拟地址(RVA)与文件偏移地址转换(FOA)

    0 前言 此篇文章想写如何通过工具手查导出表.PE文件代码编程过程中的原理.文笔不是很好,内容也是查阅了很多的资料后整合出来的.希望借此加深对PE文件格式的理解,也希望可以对看雪论坛有所贡献.因为了解 ...

  4. 安装python3后使用pip和pip3的区别是什么?

    安装python3后使用pip和pip3的区别是什么? 1.其实这两个命令效果是一样的,没有区别: (1)比如安装库numpy,pip3  install  numpy或者pip  install   ...

  5. emmc基础技术8:操作模式2-device identification mode

    1.前言 eMMC总线操作包含: boot mode, device identification mode interrupt mode data transfer mode 本文主要描述devic ...

  6. ES系列七、ES-倒排索引详解

    1.单词——文档矩阵 单词-文档矩阵是表达两者之间所具有的一种包含关系的概念模型,图3-1展示了其含义.图3-1的每列代表一个文档,每行代表一个单词,打对勾的位置代表包含关系. 图3-1 单词-文档矩 ...

  7. C++:STL vector:sizeof(vector)

    原文地址: int的大小是4,定义vector<int> vec,vec中有一个元素, ...

  8. cocos2d-x播放视频的处理

    cocos2d-x是支持直接播放视频的,用的是Native端的播放器,视频的默认层级是在cocos的层级之上,如果是想让视频上面有cocos的控件,只能将视频的UI层级放在最下面,这个方法网上已经有比 ...

  9. 下载文件的一致性验证之MD5值校验

    前几天写脚本遇到下载功能校验,一时间不到怎么校验好? 于是请教大神,大神给出方案如下:  先去了解一下你们的产品针对这个下载功能有没有做什么功能设计...然后再针对这些功能设计去设计测试用例...比如 ...

  10. Python-GIL 进程池 线程池

    5.GIL vs 互斥锁(*****) 1.什么是GIL(Global Interpreter Lock) GIL是全局解释器锁,是加到解释器身上的,保护的就是解释器级别的数据 (比如垃圾回收的数据) ...