Help Commands
help command Get help on a certain command
apropos keyword Search help for a particular keyword
Starting and Quitting
gdb [-tui] [-c core] [exename] (Unix Command) Start gdb on an executable or standalone; specify "-tui" to start the TUI GUI; specify "-c" with a corefile name to see where a crash occurred
run [arg1] [arg2] [...] Run the currently loaded program with the given command line arguments
quit Exit the debugger
file exename Load an executable file by name
Breakpoints and Watchpoints
break location Set a breakpoint at a location, line number, or file (e.g. "main", "5", or "hello.c:23")
watch expression Break when a variable is written to
rwatch expression Break when a variable is read from
awatch expression Break when a variable is written to or read from
info break Display breakpoint and watchpoint information and numbers
info watch Same as info break
clear location Clear a breakpoint from a location
delete num Delete a breakpoint or watchpoint by number
Stepping and Running
next Run to the next line of this function
step Step into the function on this line, if possible
stepi Step a single assembly instruction
continue Keep running from here
CTRL-C Stop running, wherever you are
finish Run until the end of the current function
advance location Advance to a location, line number, or file (e.g. "somefunction", "5", or "hello.c:23")
jump location Just like continue, except jump to a particular location first.
Examining and Modifying Variables
display expression Display the value of a variable or expression every step of the program—the expression must make sense in the current scope
info display Show a list of expressions currently being displayed and their numbers
undisplay num Stop showing an expression identified by its number (see info display)
print expression Print the value of a variable or expression
printf formatstr expressionlist Do some formatted output with printf() e.g. printf "i = %d, p = %s\n", i, p
set variable expression Set a variable to value, e.g. set variable x=20
set (expression) Works like set variable
Window Commands
info win Shows current window info
focus winname Set focus to a particular window bby name ("SRC", "CMD", "ASM", or "REG") or by position ("next" or "prev")
fs Alias for focus
layout type Set the window layout ("src", "asm", "split", or "reg")
tui reg type Set the register window layout ("general", "float", "system", or "next")
winheight val Set the window height (either an absolute value, or a relative value prefaced with "+" or "-")
wh Alias for winheight
set disassembly-flavor flavor Set the look-and-feel of the disassembly. On Intel machines, valid flavors are intel and att
Misc Commands
RETURN Hit RETURN to repeat the last command
backtrace Show the current stack
bt Alias for backtrace
attach pid Attach to an already-running process by its PID
info registers Dump integer registers to screen
info all-registers Dump all registers to screen

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