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Automatic image segmentation using salient key point extraction and star shape prior

Xiangli Liao, Hongbo Xu, Yicong Zhou, Kunqian Li, Wenbing Tao, Qiuju Guo, Liman Liu


  1. Article history:
  2. Received 27 September 2013
  3. Received in revised form
  4. 28 March 2014
  5. Accepted 29 April 2014

Please cite this article as: X. Liao, et al., Automatic image segmentation using salient key point extraction and star

shape prior, Signal Processing (2014)


  1. In this paper, a new unsupervised segmentation method is proposed. The method integrates the star shape prior of the image object with salient point detection algorithm. In the proposed method, the Harris salient point detection is first applied to the color image to obtain the initial salient points. A regional contrast based saliency extraction method is then used to select rough object regions in the image. To restrict the distribution of salient points, an adaptive threshold segmentation is applied to the saliency map to get the saliency mask. And then the salient region points can be obtained by placing the saliency mask on the initial Harris salient points. In order to make sure the salient points which we get are inside the image object thus the star shape constraint can be applied to the graph cuts segmentation, the Affinity Propagation (AP) clustering is employed to find the salient key points among the salient region points. Finally, these salient key points are regarded as foreground seeds and the star shape prior is introduced to graph cuts segmentation framework to extract the foreground object. Extensive experiments and comparisons on public database are provided to demonstrate the good performance of the proposed method.
  3. &2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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