SOM(自组织映射神经网络)是一种可以根据输入对象的特征自动进行分类(聚类)的神经网络。向该网络输入任意维度的向量都会得到一个二维图像, 不同特征的输入会被映射到二维图像的不同地方(所以SOM也可以用来降维)。它有两种学习规则:Winner-Take-All和Kohonen学习算法,后者在前者的基础上改进得到。


  1. initialize方法,用于设定输出层节点数、输入向量维度
  2. mapping方法,方便用户应用模型做预测
  3. train方法,用来训练模型
  1. import numpy as np
  2. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  3. import math
  4. import csv
  6. # 向量归一化,转化为对应单位向量,这样计算欧几里得距离就
  7. # 可以转化为计算向量的点积(二维平面中,单位向量点积就是
  8. # cos theta),点积越大距离越近
  9. def normalize(vector):
  10. return vector / np.linalg.norm(vector)
  12. class Som:
  13. def initialize(self, model, dimension):
  14. self.nodes = []
  15. # 初始化节点
  16. for i in range(model[0]):
  17. temp = []
  18. for j in range(model[1]):
  19. vector = np.random.randn(dimension) # 每个节点都包含一个维度和输入向量维度相同的向量
  20. vector = normalize(vector) # 归一化
  21. temp.append(vector)
  22. self.nodes.append(temp)
  23. self.model = model # 便于遍历节点
  25. def best_matching_unit(self, vector):
  26. result = [0, 0] # 返回优胜节点坐标
  27. max = -10000
  29. for i in range(self.model[0]):
  30. for j in range(self.model[1]):
  31. temp = self.nodes[i][j].dot(vector)
  32. if temp > max:
  33. max = temp
  34. result[0], result[1] = i, j
  35. return result
  37. def get_r_p(self, N): # 根据距离优胜节点的距离变化的值
  38. return 1.0 / math.exp(N)
  40. def neighbor(self, pos, table):
  41. result = []
  42. x = pos[0]
  43. y = pos[1]
  45. if x - 1 >= 0:
  46. if not table[x - 1][y]:
  47. result.append([x - 1, y])
  48. table[x - 1][y] = True
  50. if x + 1 < self.model[0]:
  51. if not table[x + 1][y]:
  52. result.append([x + 1, y])
  53. table[x + 1][y] = True
  55. if y - 1 >= 0:
  56. if not table[x][y - 1]:
  57. result.append([x, y - 1])
  58. table[x][y - 1] = True
  60. if y + 1 < self.model[1]:
  61. if not table[x][y + 1]:
  62. result.append([x, y + 1])
  63. table[x][y + 1] = True
  65. return result
  67. def get_neighbor(self, BMU, r): # 获取邻居节点,返回值为[[距离为1坐标集合..], [距离为2坐标集合..], [...], ...]
  68. result = []
  70. if r > 0:
  71. table = [] # 记录已经存入的结点
  72. for i in range(self.model[0]):
  73. table.append([False] * self.model[1])
  74. table[BMU[0]][BMU[1]] = True
  75. # print("table=", table)
  77. neighbors = self.neighbor(BMU, table); # 距离为1的节点
  78. result.append(neighbors)
  79. for i in range(r - 1):
  80. temp = []
  81. for x in neighbors:
  82. temp += self.neighbor(x, table)
  83. neighbors = temp # 距离为2+i的结点
  84. result.append(neighbors)
  86. return result
  88. def update_nodes(self, BMU, example, r, eta): # 参数:优胜节点坐标,输入向量,优胜领域半径,学习率
  89. # print("r, eta=", r, eta)
  90. # print("before update=", self.nodes)
  91. w = self.nodes[BMU[0]][BMU[1]]
  92. w += eta * self.get_r_p(0) * (example - w) # 更新优胜节点
  93. self.nodes[BMU[0]][BMU[1]] = normalize(w)
  95. neighbors = self.get_neighbor(BMU, r);
  96. # print("neighbors=", neighbors)
  97. for i in range(len(neighbors)):
  98. for pos in neighbors[i]: # 更新距离为i+1的节点
  99. w = self.nodes[pos[0]][pos[1]]
  100. w += eta * self.get_r_p(i + 1) * (example - w)
  101. self.nodes[pos[0]][pos[1]] = normalize(w)
  103. # print("after update=", self.nodes)
  105. def eta(self, t): # 参数:当前迭代次数,隐含参数:最大迭代次数,学习率初始值
  106. if t <= self.MAX_ITERATION / 10: # 前1/10次迭代学习率线性下降到1/20
  107. return self.init_eta - t * self.k1
  108. else: # 后9/10次迭代学习率线性下降到0
  109. return self.init_eta / 20 - (t - self.MAX_ITERATION / 10) * self.k2
  111. def get_r(self, t): # 优胜邻域随着迭代次数变小
  112. return int(self.init_r * (1 - t / self.MAX_ITERATION)) # 向下取整
  114. def train(self, get_batch, MAX_ITERATION, init_eta, MIN_ETA, init_r): # 参数:获取每次迭代所需样本的函数,最大迭代次数,学习率初始值,最小学习率,优胜领域初始值
  116. self.init_eta = init_eta # 学习率初始值
  117. self.k1 = (19/20 * self.init_eta) / (1/10 * self.MAX_ITERATION) # 学习率线性下降斜率1
  118. self.k2 = (1/20 * self.init_eta) / (9/10 * self.MAX_ITERATION) # 学习率线性下降斜率2
  119. self.init_r = init_r
  120. count = 0
  121. while count < MAX_ITERATION and self.eta(count) > MIN_ETA:
  122. batch = get_batch()
  123. # print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>count=", count)
  124. # print("batch=", batch)
  125. for example in batch:
  126. # print("example=", example)
  127. BMU = self.best_matching_unit(example)
  128. # print("BMU=",BMU)
  129. self.update_nodes(BMU, example, self.get_r(count), self.eta(count))
  130. count = count + 1
  131. print("迭代次数:", count)
  132. print("最终学习率:", self.eta(count))
  134. def mapping(self, vector):
  135. vector = normalize(vector)
  136. return self.best_matching_unit(vector) # 返回优胜节点坐标
  138. data = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1]]
  139. features = np.array(list(map(normalize, data))) # 归一化
  141. def full_batch():
  142. return features
  144. som = Som()
  145. som.initialize([3, 2], 4)
  147. def testModel():
  148. result = list(map(som.mapping, features))
  150. count_pos = {}
  151. for pos in result:
  152. if result.count(pos) >= 1:
  153. count_pos[str(pos[0]) + ',' + str(pos[1])] = result.count(pos)
  155. x = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x[0], result)));
  156. y = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x[1], result)));
  157. size = np.array(list(map(lambda x: count_pos[str(x[0]) + ',' + str(x[1])], result)));
  158. color = np.arctan2(y, x)
  160. plt.scatter(x, y, s=size * 300, c=color,alpha=0.6, marker='*')
  161. for i in range(len(x)): # 打上标签
  162. plt.annotate(str(data[i]), xy = (x[i], y[i]), xytext = (x[i]+0.1, y[i]+0.1))
  165. som.train(full_batch, 10000, 0.6, 0.2, 3)
  166. testModel()

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