kafka4 副本机制
zk中存放分区的leader和 follower replica的信息。(get /brokers/topics/mytest2/partitions/0/state)
leader故障时,消息或者在写入本地log,或者在producer收到ack消息前,resent partition到new leader。
原文——摘自《[PACKT]Apache Kafka.pdf》
Replication in Kafka
Before we talk about replication in Kafka, let's talk about message partitioning.In Kafka, message partitioning strategy is used at the Kafka broker end. The decisionabout how the message is partitioned is taken by the producer, and the broker storesthe messages in the same order as they arrive. The number of partitions can beconfigured for each topic within the Kafka broker.
Kafka replication is one of the very important features introduced in Kafka 0.8.Though Kafka is highly scalable, for better durability of messages and high availability of Kafka clusters, replication guarantees that the message will be published and consumed even in case of broker failure, which may be caused by any reason. Here, both producers and consumers are replication aware in Kafka.The following diagram explains replication in Kafka:
Let's discuss the preceding diagram in detail.
In replication, each partition of a message has n replicas and can afford n-1 failures to guarantee message delivery. Out of the n replicas, one replica acts as the lead replica for the rest of the replicas. ZooKeeper keeps the information about the lead replica and the current in-sync follower replica (lead replica maintains the list of all in-sync follower replicas).
Each replica stores its part of the message in local logs and offsets, and is periodically synced to the disk. This process also ensures that either a message is written to all the replicas or to none of them.
If the lead replica fails, either while writing the message partition to its local log or before sending the acknowledgement to the message producer, a message partition is resent by the producer to the new lead broker.
The process of choosing the new lead replica is that all followers' In-sync Replicas (ISRs) register themselves with ZooKeeper. The very first registered replica becomes the new lead replica, and the rest of the registered replicas become the followers.
Kafka supports the following replication modes:
• Synchronous replication: In synchronous replication, a producer first identifies the lead replica from ZooKeeper and publishes the message.As soon as the message is published, it is written to the log of the lead replica and all the followers of the lead start pulling the message, and by using a single channel,the order of messages is ensured. Each follower replica sends an acknowledgement to the lead replica once the message is written to its respective logs. Once replications are complete and all expected acknowledgements are received, the lead replica sends an acknowledgement to the producer.On the consumer side, all the pulling of messages is done from the lead replica.
• Asynchronous replication: The only difference in this mode is that as soon as a lead replica writes the message to its local log, it sends the acknowledgement to the message client and does not wait for the acknowledgements from follower replicas. But as a down side, this mode does not ensure the message delivery in case of broker failure.
Kafka副本策略是Kafka 0.8中引入的非常重要的功能之一。
如果lead副本故障,则在将消息分区写入其本地log时或在向producer发送确认之前,producer将消息分区重新分发给新的lead broker。
[root@hadoop ~]# cd /usr/local/kafka
[root@hadoop kafka]# zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
[root@hadoop kafka]# kafka-server-start.sh config/server0.properties &
[root@hadoop kafka]# kafka-server-start.sh config/server1.properties &
[root@hadoop kafka]# kafka-server-start.sh config/server2.properties &
... [root@hadoop ~]# jps
[root@hadoop ~]# cd /usr/local/kafka
[root@hadoop kafka]# kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost: --replication-factor --partitions --topic mytest2
Created topic "mytest2".
2.1 查看主题
[root@hadoop ~]# kafka-topics.sh --describe --zookeeper localhost: --topic mytest2
Topic:mytest2 PartitionCount: ReplicationFactor: Configs:
Topic: mytest2 Partition: Leader: Replicas: , Isr: , #副本0在broker1和broker2上,leader是broker1
Topic: mytest2 Partition: Leader: Replicas: , Isr: ,
Topic: mytest2 Partition: Leader: Replicas: , Isr: ,
2.2 查看zk上面topic信息(与 查看主题 信息对应)
[root@hadoop ~]# cd /usr/local/kafka
[root@hadoop kafka]# zkCli.sh -server hadoop: #启动zk客户端
[zk: localhost:(CONNECTED) ] ls /brokers/topics/mytest2/partitions
[, , ]
[zk: localhost:(CONNECTED) ] get /brokers/topics/mytest2/partitions//state
[zk: localhost:(CONNECTED) ] get /brokers/topics/mytest2/partitions//state
[zk: localhost:(CONNECTED) ] get /brokers/topics/mytest2/partitions//state
2.3 查看3个broker的日志目录
[root@hadoop ~]# ls /tmp/kafka-logs0
mytest2- mytest2- ... [root@hadoop ~]# ls /tmp/kafka-logs1
mytest2- mytest2- ... [root@hadoop ~]# ls /tmp/kafka-logs2
mytest2- mytest2- ...
可见 主题是按照replication-factor 2 * partitions 3 = 6 然后在broker中均衡分配的
[root@hadoop kafka]# kafka-topics.sh --alter --zookeeper localhost: replica-assigment :,:,: --topic mytest2
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