
 #include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = + ;
int tot = , f[maxn], n, Q, v[maxn];
char cmd;
struct Node{
int r, v, s;
Node* ch[];
void maintain(){
s = ch[] -> s + ch[] -> s + ;
return ;
}*null = new Node(), *root[maxn], nodes[maxn];
queue<Node*> RAM;
Node* node(){
Node* o;
if(!RAM.empty()) o = RAM.front(), RAM.pop();
else o = &nodes[tot ++];
return o;
void del(Node* &o){
o = null;
return ;
void init(Node* &o, int v){
o -> ch[] = o -> ch[] = null;
o -> s = ;
o -> r = rand();
o -> v = v;
return ;
void rotate(Node* &o, int d){
Node* k = o -> ch[d ^ ]; o -> ch[d ^ ] = k -> ch[d]; k -> ch[d] = o;
o -> maintain(); k -> maintain(); o = k; return ;
void insert(Node* &o, int v){
if(o == null) o = node(), init(o, v);
int d = v > o -> v;
insert(o -> ch[d], v);
if(o -> ch[d] -> r > o -> r) rotate(o, d ^ );
else o -> maintain();
return ;
void remove(Node* &o, int v){
if(v == o -> v){
if(o -> ch[] != null && o -> ch[] != null){
int d = o -> ch[] -> r > o -> ch[] -> r;
rotate(o, d); remove(o -> ch[d], v);
Node* k = o;
if(o -> ch[] != null) o = o -> ch[];
else o = o -> ch[];
else remove(o -> ch[v > o -> v], v);
if(o != null) o -> maintain();
return ;
void print(Node* &o){
if(o == null) return ;
print(o -> ch[]);
printf("%d ", o -> v);
print(o -> ch[]);
return ;
int kth(Node* &o, int k){
if(o -> s < k || k < ) return -;
if(o -> ch[] -> s + == k) return o -> v;
if(o -> ch[] -> s >= k) return kth(o -> ch[], k);
return kth(o -> ch[], k - o -> ch[] -> s - );
void merge(Node* &left, Node* &right){
if(left == null) return ;
merge(left -> ch[], right);
merge(left -> ch[], right);
insert(right, left -> v);
del(left); return ;
int findset(int x){
return x == f[x] ? x : f[x] = findset(f[x]);
void merge(int a, int b){
a = findset(a); b = findset(b);
if(a == b) return ;
if(root[a] -> s > root[b] -> s) swap(a, b);
merge(root[a], root[b]);
f[a] = b; return ;
void read(int &x){
x = ; int sig = ; char ch = getchar();
while(!isdigit(ch)) { if(ch == '-') sig = -; ch = getchar(); }
while(isdigit(ch)) x = * x + ch - '', ch = getchar();
x *= sig; return ;
void init(){
null -> s = ;
read(n); read(Q);
for(int i = ; i <= n; i ++) read(v[i]);
for(int i = ; i <= n; i ++) f[i] = i, root[i] = node(), init(root[i], v[i]);
return ;
void work(){ return ;
void print(){ return ;
int main(){
return ;


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