[React] Creating a Stateless Functional Component
Most of the components that you write will be stateless, meaning that they take in props and return what you want to be displayed. In React 0.14, a simpler syntax for writing these kinds of components was introduced, and we began calling these components "stateless functional components". In this lesson, let's take a look at how to define a stateless function component, and how to integrate useful React features like Prop Type validation while using this new component syntax.
Compnents with State:
class Title extends React.Component {
return (
} class App extends React.Component {
return (
<Title value="Hello World!" />
} ReactDOM.render(
<App />,
Conver Title component to stateless component:
const Title = (props) => (
) class App extends React.Component {
return (
<Title value="Hello World!" />
} ReactDOM.render(
<App />,
So now you cannot access lifecycle hooks, anyway a dump compoennt doesn't need to handle those lifecycle hooks.
But if you want to set defaultProps and propTypes, it is still possible:
/*class Title extends React.Component {
return (
const Title = (props) => (
Title.propTypes = {
value: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
Title.defaultProps = {
value: "Egghead.io is Awson!!"
} class App extends React.Component {
return (
<Title value="Hello World!" />
} ReactDOM.render(
<App />,
Statless compoennt rendering much fast than extends one.
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